Thread: 32 three window or 5 window
01-01-2010 02:34 PM #1
32 three window or 5 window
Hi Does anyone know which one has more leg room? I was told since i an 6 '1 a 5 window coupe would have less leg room than a 3 window coupe. Is this true?
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01-01-2010 05:22 PM #2
In stock form ... a 3W is easier to get in and out of. I am 6 foot 2 inches tall and I have plenty of room in my 32 3W. My 32 3W is a original body ... so the dimesions are correct. No chop, No channel ... no messing around.
I did remove the rear package tray.
You can see in the photo, I am NOT a small guy. 6'2" and close to 300 pounds in this photo. Plenty of room. I had a 5W ... with the package tray removed and had difficulty getting in and out of the 5W. The doors are considerably shorter on a 5W.
In this restored 3W, you can see how roomy they are and how wide the doors are.
Going 33 and 1/3 rpms in a IPOD world
01-02-2010 09:20 PM #3
My 3 window is really easy to get in and out of and it has a 4 inch chop..
01-03-2010 05:40 AM #4
3 windows are bigger inside.
Alot also has to do with seat placement and type of seat you use.
I'm 6' 3"
Long legs and have no problemsWhen I get to where I was goin, I forgot why I went there>
01-03-2010 06:04 AM #5
DA34GUY; I love that Orange rag top.
Do you have problems with any leaking with that sort of top?
Thanks Kurt
01-03-2010 08:09 AM #6
01-03-2010 03:19 PM #7
Great help guys
Thanks Deuce Your a great help. Very nice cars you got there. What state do you live in ? Can i ask you who do you think makes the best 32 glass bodies ? I am still undecided on a 32 3 or 32 5 window. Randy
01-03-2010 03:26 PM #8
I had a steel 5W ( 2 1/2" chop / 2" channeled ) no problem with size ..ask Deuce . I am 6'3 / 250
01-03-2010 04:46 PM #9
DA34GUY; They would have had to put a gun to my head to make me sell that thing.
That was one sweet looking ride. My next ride I'm gonna buy already built.
I'm in the middle of building my 65 ranchero with parts laying all over the place.
I keep getting sick so I have not got it together yet.
I'm to the point that when I feel good I went to be cruzing instead of building now.
Can't enjoy the build when your sick all the time.
So I'm gonna look for a company that builds some old replica's and buy one to enjoy.
Thanks for the info on the rag top.
01-03-2010 04:55 PM #10
Many of the long tube cast headers I've run across had a relief ground on the back side for starter bolt clearance. I just trimmed the bolt on mine. On these new shorty's, they eliminated the...
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