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Thread: What is your favorite body manufacturer?

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  1. #1
    florida is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    What is your favorite body manufacturer?


    What is your favorite body manufacturer for 32 3 window coupe?
    Concerned about straightness, alignment, solidness and other features.
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  2. #2
    DanM's Avatar
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    I've got a Wescott. The car was built in 1999 and has 31,000 miles. Solid as a rock. No door sags, body cracks, creaks or groans.

  3. #3
    Deuce's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by florida View Post
    ... What is your favorite body manufacturer for 32 3 window coupe?
    Concerned about straightness, alignment, solidness and other features.
    Henry Ford
    Has to be # 1 ...

    Then Wescott, then maybe Downs ...
    The Wescott LOOKS the most like a Henry built coupe. All the rest have " differences " that are fairly easy to spot. The cheaper the body, the easier the " differences " are to spot. A Lot of the current crop of fiberglass coupes do not have a real windshield frame. The firewalls are flat. Some do not even have the recess on the left lower body panel for the fuel neck.

    And some have rounded corners on the deck lid lower section ... not square like Henry ( see above photo ).

    No recess and the wrong fuel tank also.
    When looking at HiBoys ... a lot of rodders do away with the fuel tank in the original position and either fill the recess or just have a body that never had the recess.
    Going 33 and 1/3 rpms in a IPOD world

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    rspears's Avatar
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    On a value basis, N&N in Belleville, AR.
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  5. #5
    IC2 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Then you also have to consider the Brookville steel version if what you want is close to stock. If not, the Wescott bodies are very nice and would have been my second choice. There are some manufacturing quality problems with the Brookville (Deuce, no comments please) but can be worked around with some time and effort.
    Dave W
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  6. #6
    rumrumm's Avatar
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    I have an Outlaw body, and I would not hesitate building another car with their body. But they do have body mods which some may not like. The craftsmanship on their bodies is excellent.
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    '32 3W

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  7. #7
    Deuce's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IC2 View Post
    Then you also have to consider the Brookville steel version if what you want is close to stock. If not, the Wescott bodies are very nice and would have been my second choice. There are some manufacturing quality problems with the Brookville (Deuce, no comments please)
    I am surprised you would suggest them ... after your experiences with them.

    Brookville = 25 grand
    Wescott = about 19 grand
    The others cost LESS but then ... they do not really look like a original 32 3W body to a LOT of folks.

    Some of the less expensive bodies are TRASH ... but the mid range to upper
    range bodies are basically pretty good bodies. Even the older, non Darlington SC built Gibbons bodies are pretty nice. You just have to decide if you want a glued in windshield ( I do not ) or hidden hinges. Most do not have a cowl vent and have a filled roof.

    I have found that the only real difference in building a 32 3W ... final cost wise is the cost of the body. Most everything else costs about the same. Engine, transmission, rear end, wheels/tires and upholstery. The end VALUE ( resale price ) is really affected by the body manufacturer. Way more money than the difference in purchase cost was.

    Look at the features and the COST and then decide ... which body suits the " LOOK " you want and your ability to pay for it.

    Both are called 32 3W coupes ...
    BUT ... two very different build styles. The upper coupe would require
    a more original style body while the bottom coupe could use a lesser, cheaper body
    Going 33 and 1/3 rpms in a IPOD world

  8. #8
    DA34GUY's Avatar
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    X 2 N&N
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  9. #9
    IC2 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deuce View Post
    I am surprised you would suggest them ... after your experiences with them.

    Brookville = 25 grand
    Deuce - as ho hum assembly wise as they are, at least they are, 1. steel and 2. a reasonable replica of Henry's car which makes them better then their plastic counterparts, and 3. will hold an eventual higher selling value over the 'glass version

    Pricewise, your $25K at Brookville gets you a body with a firewall. Add another $3-5K+/- for the needed parts and mods - like hood, fenders, grille shell, glass, running boards and shipping just to name a few miscellaneous items. Then there is that '32 chassis you can lose your mind and spend your kids inheritance

    Dave W
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  10. #10
    Deuce's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IC2 View Post
    Pricewise, your $25K at Brookville gets you a body with a firewall. Add another $3-5K+/- for the needed parts and mods ...
    PLUS ...
    there are 32 3W Brookville bodies already out there ... for less $$$
    Than the Brookville asking price.

    I have seen 4 or 5 Brookville 3W bodies for sale ... some as low as 22 grand
    READY for delivery when the cash changes hands.

    WHY ???

    I do not know WHY someone who order one, wait a year or more and THEN
    put it up for sale.

    A Brookville 3W is the closest thing to a Henry Ford sold Murray built coupe body ... in most areas.

    The dash is incorrect ( no cigar lighter )

    The glove box door is incorrect on the backside

    And their firewall is OFF a good bit also ( but a original firewall fits and bolts in )

    I had already decided to buy a Brookville 3W body ... when I finally talked the guy out of the original Henry built one I own. They were in preproduction and not yet available. The fact that Brookville was tooling up to make 3W coupes is what convinced the previous owner to sell. He thought that the Brookville 3W bodies would drive DOWN the value of the original Henry Ford built ones ...
    Going 33 and 1/3 rpms in a IPOD world

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    falconvan's Avatar
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    After seeing my wife step out of the shower this morning; I'd have to say God is my favorite body manufacterer. (Sorry boys; you dont get a picture of this one.)

  12. #12
    RECOVERY ROOM's Avatar
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    What about roadsters?I'm going to start one this summer...Rod Bods or Brookville.......We have put interiors in both and have had no problems working on them.Got the itch for a rod and decided it has to be a 32 roadster,I always wanted one.

  13. #13
    stovens's Avatar
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    This is by far my favorite 32 body...beat yah to it Bob!
    " "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.

  14. #14
    IC2 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by RECOVERY ROOM View Post
    What about roadsters?I'm going to start one this summer...Rod Bods or Brookville.......We have put interiors in both and have had no problems working on them.Got the itch for a rod and decided it has to be a 32 roadster,I always wanted one.
    Brookville is an actual replica where Rod Bods (are they still in business) have many deviations for hot rodding, Both are good starts.

    By the way Steve, your '32s - I prefer all shades of pink rather then multi toned bodies
    Dave W
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  15. #15
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IC2 View Post
    Brookville is an actual replica where Rod Bods (are they still in business) have many deviations for hot rodding, Both are good starts.

    By the way Steve, your '32s - I prefer all shades of pink rather then multi toned bodies
    Streamline in Denver bought the Rod Bod tooling in the last year or two and now call it the Denver Deuce, operating under a subsidiary called Deuce America Corp. I haven't seen one of their bods up close, but if they didn't improve the tooling/assembly procedure quite a bit I'd go for the Brookville.

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