Thread: 32 highboy sedan battery mount
02-18-2010 08:47 AM #16
Yep, any position except upside down. I would recommend you call Odyssey and run your application by them. They were extremely friendly when I called them and suspect they are still the same.
Here is where I tucked mine in, so as you can see it sits right where it gets wet, etc. Even under those conditions it's been fine.
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02-18-2010 08:54 AM #17
I look at that and I don't think I will ever use a old style again. Last year at the SEMA show Mike and Bob took me to a booth where they had lithium battery's that were at least twice the power of conventional stuff and smaller that the one we used, really neat for space saving. That's what I'm going to get for my sedan.
02-18-2010 09:14 AM #18
Under the back seat will help the TRACTION CONTROL!!!!
They can be put under the dash if you live/drive somewhere that you don't need a heater
OPtima also has 6 volt batteries that are half the thickness as the 12 volters and can be mounted in opposite side panels, etc and then connected in series for 12 volts
02-18-2010 09:57 AM #19
02-20-2010 12:42 AM #20
The 6 volt Optimas work great in a sedan. Hook 2 of them up in series end to end behind the back seat.
Tim32 highboy roadster with 401 Buick, 4 speed and V-8 Quick Change
02-22-2010 01:46 PM #21
02-25-2010 07:57 PM #22
Ken, XSPowerBatteries seems to have an ideal package, small and significantly more power. However I could not find anything on how to buy from them. I have an e-mail in to them.
I'm still very interested in details of your behind the dash mount if you can point me to any pictures posted previously?Roger
Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.
02-25-2010 08:33 PM #23
Hang on to your walletbut I think the advantages out way the cost.
02-26-2010 09:12 AM #24
I talked to Nathan at XSPower today, and they are currently in development on their Lithium line for automotive applications that use an alternator output to recharge. At this time their lithium line is only for total discharge service, focused on racing applicagtions like ProStock where you need to start the vehicle, provide power to run for a few minutes, but recharge via a wall plug DC charger, specifically designed for their batteries. This is their LR48 unit, which is computer controlled output and dedicated wall charger in the $2000 ballpark. They have not yet determined the specifics of packaging but expect size to be something like their 680 or 925 units in their AGM (absorbed glass mat) batteries. Their AGM line is similar to that from Odyssey, but XS may have a bit more power - hard to say as they do not print their specs the same way.
Nathan estimated that their lithium street automotive line is at least six months out at this time. All lithium units will have internal computerized technology, so an automotive alternator friendly unit is going to be several (many?) times the nominal $120 price for an AGM unit. Looks like a sealed AGM style is my ticket.
Ken, as noted above if you can point me to pictures of your under dash installation I would love to see your approach.Roger
Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.
02-26-2010 08:16 PM #25
If you go to the thread 32 Ford Truck, you can see the frame work behind my dash. I first thought of o\putting it under my seat, there is a photo of that also. I'm to lazy to take my dash out of my truck to photograph if. But if you don't think you have enough info I will. Let me know.
I just tried to look up my truck build and without clicking on my name I couldn't find it. Maybe you know how to do this I don't. But the name of the thread is 32 ford truck. Good luck if you try.Last edited by Ken Thurm; 02-26-2010 at 08:22 PM.
02-26-2010 08:56 PM #26
I think this is it.Ken Thomas
NoT FaDe AwaY and the music didn't die
The simplest road is usually the last one sought
Wild Willie & AA/FA's The greatest show in drag racing
02-26-2010 08:57 PM #27
Don't pull the dash. I found the thread ( using Advanced Search. My framework behind the dash is similar, and today when I talked to Nathan at XS Power they were having a sale on their 680 series batteries with their 511 hold down and automotive terminals as a package including free shipping. It should be here by the middle of next week, and I think it will be easy to hang. One thing I did not see in the 32 Truck build thread - did you go to battery bulkhead terminals on the firewall or did you have another method to get the power & ground to the starter?Roger
Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.
02-26-2010 09:15 PM #28
They are run down the inside of the firewall to the floor next to the tunnel. Then I have quick disconnects that go outside to the starter. These quick disconnect I got from Morroso, they are used for charging a battery on a race car. It's just a nice male to female plug.
Did you see the photo where the cab is off the chassis and the dash lights are on? This shows how the cab is completely independent from the rest of the truck, then everything plugs into the cab with quick disconnect electrical plugs that screw together. Just one way of doing it.Last edited by Ken Thurm; 02-26-2010 at 09:18 PM.
02-27-2010 06:12 AM #29
Ken, is this the Moroso quick connector you're talking about?Roger
Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.
02-27-2010 07:00 AM #30
Also found another Moroso connector style (on the left, RCA style), plus a simple bulkhead terminal set that would have to be unbolted to separate body from chassis.Roger
Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.
Necessity is the mother of invention! Nice work, as usual!
55 Wagon Progress