Thread: First Drive
04-09-2010 05:56 PM #16
Don, I live in the Tampa Bay area and go the the Nats every year, sure hope you'll be bringing that Deuce down here for this years Nats, I would love to see it up close. Might even steal a few ideas for my project.
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04-09-2010 07:53 PM #17
Moon Breathers
Very nice looking 32 you have built, the Mooneye breathers caught my eye. I am building a 32 with a Ford 5.0 and have a set of Edelbrock finned valve covers similar to what you have on your 351. In the back of my mind I know I will need to incorporate some type of breather for the engine and after seeing your motor this has made the decision for me. Looking at the Mooneyes catalog there are two breather that look like they might be what you used. There is a Moon Right Angle (#MP1800) and a Moon Angled Loboy (#MP1800LB). By chance do you recall what Mooneye breather you used? Also, did you install a breather on both covers?
04-09-2010 08:02 PM #18
Beautiful ride! Almost the same color as mine..
04-09-2010 08:10 PM #19
Beautiful car. I'm not a fan of wide whites or narrow whites for that matter, but that's just my opinion.Ken Thomas
NoT FaDe AwaY and the music didn't die
The simplest road is usually the last one sought
Wild Willie & AA/FA's The greatest show in drag racing
04-10-2010 03:24 PM #20
Mike52, would really like to meet you in Tampa next October. When it get's closer, I will drop you a line on this thread and possibly we can make it happen.
32steel, according to my invoice, I used the MP1800LB and I put one on each side. Makes it easier to change the oil since you can add it through the breather rather than remove the valve cover. Here is a picture of the right side of the engine showing both breathers.
04-10-2010 07:41 PM #21
04-10-2010 09:15 PM #22
04-11-2010 09:02 AM #23
Hey Don do not change a thing.. You hit the look you were going for. The color is perfect and the wheels are right for that era. No whitewalls!! The small chrome air cleaner look right too. Get it out and drive.....It's easy..Just ask someone that hasn't ever done it!
See ya on the road.
04-11-2010 09:18 AM #24
I used the same Moon breathers and they were surprisingly inexpensive, like $38.00 each, which for Moon stuff is cheap. (In comparison to their Moon tanks)
I needed a way to add oil and vent the crankcase and these were the only ones on the market with a removable lid for just that purpose and also to replace the foam element over time. (Moon sells also the foam and gaskets separately) I intended on installing them exactly where Don put his, but they wouldn't clear my 2 x 4 setup, so I moved them to the outside. I'm glad Don and I both came up with this solution so we could run the Edelbrock covers, they are really nice right out of the box and TALL. They clear roller rockers well and make the engine look totally different, more like a Y block IMO.
04-11-2010 10:04 AM #25
Nice ride! Don't ya love the headers that are supposed to clear the plugs and don't. I've got the same problem. Gonna try the Accell shorty plugs first.
04-11-2010 11:41 AM #26
Looks like it's coming along nicely.
Here's a pic of a PS Engineering Wheel (these more closely resemble the Halibrands than the Americans do, but close enough) with a wide white mounted to give you an idea of the look. I'm not particularly fond of it, but whatever floats your boat. If you're set on www tires and a '60s look I'd suggest steel wheels in black with the shiny caps, that would be most in keeping with the time period. If you are set on the chrome wheels I think the "spider" center bullet and lug bullets would be more period correct.Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon
It's much easier to promise someone a "free" ride on the wagon than to urge them to pull it.
Luck occurs when preparation and opportunity converge.
04-12-2010 03:50 PM #27
One more word on the wide whites/blackwall question. The following two pictures are of my last 32; one with the wheel/tire combo that is on my current car and the second with wide whites/chrome wheels. Look at the diference a simple wheel tire change can make.
04-13-2010 06:08 AM #28
Old timey look with Radir wheels and ww's.
'32 3W
There's no 12 step program for stupid!
12-31-2010 12:56 PM #29
A quick update on my Deuce which is finally finished (as finished as any street rod ever gets). I just looked at this thread and realized it I havent posted anything since April but I have a really good excuse for that. You would not believe what a nut roll the state of Alabame Revenue Department put me through to get a VIN for this car! I started trying to get a VIN in February and it was September before it was finally issued. I now have a lot of empathy for those of you in California and Mass. Since I did not have a VIN, I couldnt get insurance so I was really leery about moving it around so it basically sat in my shop collecting dust from April to September. Once I got it where I could drive it, I started working the bugs out of it, got the interior done, and various and sundry other little things.
I couldn't find a blue material that matched the exterior but I got as close as I could
I am still looking for a good pinstriper to add some Von Dutch like detail to the trunk and dash. Hope to see some of you guys out and about at various events over the next year.
12-31-2010 01:49 PM #30
Missed it the first time around but now seen it, lovely looking car.Its aweful lonesome in the saddle since my horse died.
Necessity is the mother of invention! Nice work, as usual!
55 Wagon Progress