Thread: '32 Cabriolet
04-16-2011 02:09 PM #1
'32 Cabriolet
I thought you guys might like this one, i am working on electric windows for it. I has an 8-71 blown BBC, TH350, 9" Ford. All Original Henry steel steel with except of teh front fenders.
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04-16-2011 03:04 PM #2
04-16-2011 03:19 PM #3
I was hoping you would post more after the tempting view in my body alignment thread. I'm usually not a real lover of the cabriolet body style, but that one could convert me.
We do need more pictures thoughDave W
I am now gone from this forum for now - finally have pulled the plug
04-17-2011 10:54 PM #4
Sweeeeeet ride ojh. I bet that little thing will scoot down the road.
04-20-2011 01:39 PM #5
Well, the sweetie is all done. I called the owner and he let us take a ride thru town (both traffic lights) and brought the town right to a standstill. That thing is just plain ferocious, bad to the bone. We decided the sound deadening we put in the doors was very effective because we never did any anything other than the engine!
Heres a shot or two sitting outside my shop waiting for Ted to come a gather her up.
04-20-2011 01:55 PM #6
Wow, nice car.
11-02-2011 11:11 AM #7
hey ,i have a green one can't beat them, good looking
11-03-2011 07:39 AM #8
Nice! What is the saying? "Get in, sit down, shut up, and hold on!"
'32 3W
There's no 12 step program for stupid!
11-03-2011 09:02 AM #9
I got all excited when I saw Ken Thurm posting... Then I realized it was several months old.. 8-(
11-03-2011 03:36 PM #10
dang it man that is bad to the we need a video to hear that thing running :-)
11-26-2011 11:09 PM #11
Looks awesome!!
Can't wait till Mine is done,,it'll be a '32 3 window with a 383 and 6-71 blower with about 615 hp....NICE GUYS FINISH FIRST.....
12-05-2011 12:29 PM #12
An update, during the summer the little witch had a new engine with less duration cam; 700r4 and rear gear change (it cruises 1800rpm at 60-65mph); new interior and is getting a new top as we speak. The blower is still there, not to worry. It is one of the few cars i have driven where i have never really 'gotten into it', you just don't need to. It is scary powerful. The original engine (a 396) had a sleeve of all things and was tossed for a 402.
Necessity is the mother of invention! Nice work, as usual!
55 Wagon Progress