Thread: Passenger side mirror
01-30-2012 02:10 PM #1
Passenger side mirror
I want to add a passenger side mirror to my roadster. I took the windshield posts off thinking I could just drill and tap into it . Now I am not so sure, the back side of the post is welded to the front portion so I have no ideas what is on the inside. Is this normal? do I have enough meat inside to drill and tap to support the mirror or does it require a nut to be welded onto the inside. I would appreciate any information on this before I mess up a good post. Thanks
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01-30-2012 02:21 PM #2
If I remember correctly, the steel posts are hollow. I used the bolt hole in the windshield post to mount driver and passenger side mirrors on my '29. Can you utilize that bold as well?
'32 3W
There's no 12 step program for stupid!
01-30-2012 04:20 PM #3
I agree I think the post is hollow, I only have one threaded portion for the mirror on the drivers side, between the mounting points for the windshield. I was hoping just to drill and tap the other passenger side but I am not sure how much metal there is in the post on the passenger side as the back side is covered and welded shut. I guess they could have welded a nut to the drivers side before they welded the inside cover on or the metal is thick enough to support the mirror in that area? thanks for your response appreciate it
01-31-2012 06:22 AM #4
If it was me, I would go ahead and drill the hole. If by chance there was not enough material there to cut threads, you could use a Nutsert. That is a pretty slick way to create threads when you cannot get behind something. That way, you will not have to weld in a nut and ruin the plating.
'32 3W
There's no 12 step program for stupid!
01-31-2012 06:52 AM #5
First of all, what are your stanchions - OEM style or an after market? And stainless or aluminum. There are sooooo many combinations that have evolved over the years that this is a difficult question to answer. If they are OEM style, and SS, they may have a flat just waiting your very sharp drill and then are thick enough for that single post, 5/16-24 thread after market clone. My '31 has a pre drilled and tapped hole on the LH side, but since I have side curtains, ended up with some Sun Spec mirrors, door mounted which work just fine and with virtually no shake, which you will have in the stanchion mounted.
In this photo you might see the hole in the stanchion, though it does have a SS screw in it, as well as the mirror. I have the same arrangement on the pass side, but with a convex mirror which works well too.
DSC_0009.JPGDave W
I am now gone from this forum for now - finally have pulled the plug
02-02-2012 12:33 PM #6
thanks for the replies, today I bit the bullet and opened up the back of the post, a piece of aluminum was spot welded to the back, ground the welds and opened it up. There is a nut welded to the inside of the post to support a mirror. Of course now I have to think about how best to open it up as they welded not only the outside of the nut but but left a large glob in the center of it.
02-08-2012 12:39 PM #7
Post a photo (s) when you are done.
'32 3W
There's no 12 step program for stupid!
Necessity is the mother of invention! Nice work, as usual!
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