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Thread: "Security systems",,,

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  1. #1
    1bad32's Avatar
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    "Security systems",,,


    How many of you have security systems on Your Deuces and if if so,what type?
    I just think it's "too much stuff" on such nice looking rides but it might be necessary.

  2. #2
    IC2 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Street Rodder or Rod and Custom, forgot which, has a Lojack type device they are pushing this month. Also. Lojack is probably the best. Regardless, if a thief wants your car, he will get it - just don't make it easy. I have a battery disconnect, which, if you can find the switch, you can then drive the car away. Wont stop that thief, but at least will slow him down to the point that he might just choose another guys car - unless he is using a roll back.
    Dave W
    I am now gone from this forum for now - finally have pulled the plug

  3. #3
    rspears's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IC2 View Post
    Street Rodder or Rod and Custom, forgot which, has a Lojack type device they are pushing this month. Also. Lojack is probably the best. Regardless, if a thief wants your car, he will get it - just don't make it easy. I have a battery disconnect, which, if you can find the switch, you can then drive the car away. Wont stop that thief, but at least will slow him down to the point that he might just choose another guys car - unless he is using a roll back.
    Sorry to butt in if you only want input from people with '32's, but the problem with Lojack is their very, very limited coverage areas, IMO. If you happen to live in an area covered and don't plan to travel then Lojack is a good alternative. I like the Garmin GTU10 much better https://buy.garmin.com/shop/shop.do?pID=67686 It's very small, can be powered from the battery to remain active all the time, and depending on your monitoring choices can give you a myriad of notifications via e-mail/text and can be tracked on your smart phone or laptop real time with a free software package.
    Last edited by rspears; 03-27-2012 at 02:19 PM.
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    rumrumm's Avatar
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    That's a good idea, Roger.

    '32 3W

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  5. #5
    robot's Avatar
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    Lojack is a system with severe drawbacks. First, Lojack doesnt tell anyone that his car is being tampered with. Say you go to the movie theatre and there is a bad guy in the parking lot (a bad guy other than a government guy). He steals your car knowing that the movie is 2 hours long. By the time you walk out, he is looooong gone, probably across the border if you are in So Cal. When you walk out, you say, OH S&#(&% and call the cops. Lojack is THEN enabled to search for your car....two hours too late. The cops monitor the Lojack tracking.....not you. Lojack is not available everywhere, all the crook has to do is to get the car outside of the Lojack coverage.

    The GPS based uinits like Arrowtrack notify YOUR phone and/or email when someone opens the door, moves the car, etc. YOU can immediately respond with guns blazing or call the cops if you have an hour to wait. YOU can track the car and see on Google Maps where the car is, the one I played with works inside buildings and appears to be accurate within 50 feet inside, less if the car is outside. The system even can tell you if the car battery is disconnected and/or reconnected. This system does everything but shoot the crook....they may be working on that.

  6. #6
    DA34GUY's Avatar
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    Ahhhh, The trials and tribulations of living in Kalifonacate.
    The land of fruits and nuts.
    Lived there 40 years B4 I got smart and got out.
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    rspears's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DA34GUY View Post
    Ahhhh, The trials and tribulations of living in Kalifonacate.
    The land of fruits and nuts.
    Lived there 40 years B4 I got smart and got out.
    Wow, I did not consider your location when I posted. Forget the GPS based system. The strength of it is that it gives you real time, personal information so you can track the vehicle and deal with the low lifes as they deserve. That's not allowed in Kaliphony - you're expected to call the authorities and sit back and relax, watching the sunset while the system works for you. I'd suggest you buy good insurance instead of spending your money on security hardware.
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  8. #8
    t-top havoc is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Well, with all those Beautiful cars & interiors, if you have an elec. fuel pump, hide a power switch or pull the fuse.
    For a manual fuel pump, hide a shut-off valve.
    What about a removable steering wheel-- steel plate covers the coloum & can not be removed without the key theat unlocks it?
    As stated earlier, you can make it difficult enough for them to give up.
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    stovens's Avatar
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    Smith and Wesson, Ruger, Berretta, Colt they all make good systems that pack a punch!
    " "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.

  10. #10
    TooMany2count's Avatar
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    double post
    Last edited by TooMany2count; 03-28-2012 at 01:42 AM.
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  11. #11
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    what i dont understand is a 50k truck, 20k trailer , 50k car and nothing. just park it at the motel and go to bed then whine and cry because the whole rig is gone. a top quality disable system for your truck cost a few hundred. as for me i will just insure it and do my best to disable it. if they get it i will build another one .
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    Quote Originally Posted by shine View Post
    what i dont understand is a 50k truck, 20k trailer , 50k car and nothing. just park it at the motel and go to bed then whine and cry because the whole rig is gone. a top quality disable system for your truck cost a few hundred. as for me i will just insure it and do my best to disable it. if they get it i will build another one .
    I agree 100%. Something to disable the vehicle will at least make them work a bit to get it as opposed to something that just makes noise. How much attention do we pay to a vehicle that has the horn honking & lights flashing today?? It's become so common place that it doesn't mean anything - people just walk on by, trying to get away from the noise or worse, ask the guy if he needs any help??

    Also crazy is someone asking a guy or gal to post up all of the nitty gritty details on how they protect their stuff on a public forum, including wiring diagrams, fit & function..... hellooooooo, do you think that the thieves can't read??
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  13. #13
    1bad32's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shine View Post
    what i dont understand is a 50k truck, 20k trailer , 50k car and nothing. just park it at the motel and go to bed then whine and cry because the whole rig is gone. a top quality disable system for your truck cost a few hundred. as for me i will just insure it and do my best to disable it. if they get it i will build another one .
    Sounds very good.

  14. #14
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by shine View Post
    what i dont understand is a 50k truck, 20k trailer , 50k car and nothing. just park it at the motel and go to bed then whine and cry because the whole rig is gone. a top quality disable system for your truck cost a few hundred. as for me i will just insure it and do my best to disable it. if they get it i will build another one .

    Always wondered the same thing, Shine!!!! A thief is normally going to look for the easiest target that he can get away with the quickest! A lot of car owners wouldn't want to bother with any sort of system that would be "inconvenient" to activate or deactivate, either....so buy some gadget that makes things easy to track AFTER it's stolen!!!!! Always figured that was right up there with closing the gate after the cattle got out! When we go drag racing for a distant event in an area we're not familiar with, we usually camp out in or alongside the trailer. Last time we did the motel thing, we backed the trailer up against another racer's trailer, then took the battery from the truck and put it in the motel room overnight. A friend of mine always takes along his 130 lb. ill tempered German Shepard and has him sleep in the trailer overnight---Imagine some thief prying the door open on that trailer!!!!

    I've also wondered why, at the big shows, either the organizer or some enterprising individual doesn't offer a secure parking area with armed security to park your trailer with the car inside, and just take the pickup to the motel??? Bet a lot of Hot Rodders would put out a few extra $$$$ to leave the trailer under guard and not have to worry about it overnight! A lot of the 2 and 3 day racing events have armed security patrolling the trailer and motorhome lot all night, no credentials, you don't get in. Nothing is thief proof these days, but it's not all that difficult to make it look more attractive to steal someone else's pride and joy other then mine!!!!
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  15. #15
    1bad32's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DA34GUY View Post
    Ahhhh, The trials and tribulations of living in Kalifonacate.
    The land of fruits and nuts.
    Lived there 40 years B4 I got smart and got out.
    Why did you get out,,,got too hot to handle??

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