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Thread: American Graffiti Coupe, My Version

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  1. #91
    Matthyj's Avatar
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    On my new car I fastened the fuse panel to a piece of plate steel with another 1/4" piece of plate aluminum with a 3" hole in it on the back of the steel both being as wide as my fuse panel and as long, then under my dash I went to Westlake Hardware and purchased a very strong 3" round magent and fastened it to the firewall, that way my fuse panel snaps onto the magnet and locates itself because the magnet sticks in the center to the steel and not to the aluminum (as well) I left the harness long by about 8" so I can grab the whole panel and yank it down to see what is going on as its up high behind the dash. This was a low cost variation of Ron Francis's system but works well for me and cost just a few bucks. Best of Luck
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  2. #92
    36 sedan's Avatar
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    Excellent idea!
    But be careful, the use of high power magnets around DC current can result in CAEMF (current amplified electro magnetic fields). In some cases where the CAEMF is strong enough and combined with IWPC (insulated wire proximity capacitance) a phenomena know as DTS (dilated time syndrome) can develop. If you start experience any feelings of doing something over and over again, then you are probably working on a hot rod. LOL, just my twisted sense of humor.
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  3. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by 36 sedan View Post
    Excellent idea!
    But be careful, the use of high power magnets around DC current can result in CAEMF (current amplified electro magnetic fields). In some cases where the CAEMF is strong enough and combined with IWPC (insulated wire proximity capacitance) a phenomena know as DTS (dilated time syndrome) can develop. If you start experience any feelings of doing something over and over again, then you are probably working on a hot rod. LOL, just my twisted sense of humor.
    That's only when you turn on the flux capacitor!
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  4. #94
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    Don't even get me started on Flux Capacitors! LOL
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  5. #95
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    Did Timeless give you the information on the pain they used on your car? I have been trying to get the code and brand from them for months now but can't get anyone to respond to my calls or emails.
    If it wasn't on 8 Track it's not worth listening to!!

  6. #96
    graffitifreak's Avatar
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    They did not. I did get some touch up paint when they shipped the car. I requested a certain paint code but I don't believe that's whats on the car. If the time comes that I need some repainting done, I will probably just have to have it matched. TRC was never very good about any details. If you find out what the code is, please let me know.

  7. #97
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    I think that this guy's research was about the most thorough that anyone has done - New Page 1

    If you take time to find it he says that the paint on the coupe was DuPont #5248A, which is a 1972 Corvette Canary yellow, Centari enamel. That goes against several American Graffiti blogs out there that say "Canary Yellow Lacquer" sprayed by the Orlandi's Body Shop in San Rafael, CA. Now I cannot say what paint your Timeless shop used, but that's the one that's said to be the true color.
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  8. #98
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    San Rafael is on my way to work if they are open, I could swing by and check? Address: 25 Verdi St, San Rafael, CA 94901
    Phone415) 456-3110
    Last edited by stovens; 12-21-2015 at 10:20 AM.
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    " "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.

  9. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by rspears View Post
    If you take time to find it he says that the paint on the coupe was DuPont #5248A, which is a 1972 Corvette Canary yellow, Centari enamel..
    I don't see how it was possible to have a 1972 color in 1962?? We are getting back to the issue of the flux capacitor it looks like!

    (Sorry I couldn't resist)
    Last edited by Matthyj; 12-21-2015 at 06:13 PM. Reason: changed '61 to '62
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  10. #100
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    American Graffiti (1973) - IMDb
    American Graffiti (1973) - IMDb
    Internet Movie Database
    Rating: 7.5/10 - ‎61,045 votes
    A couple of high school grads spend one final night cruising the strip with their buddies before they go off to college. ... George Lucas. ... Richard Dreyfuss, Ron Howard, Paul Le Mat.
    " "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.

  11. #101
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    Sorry I said '61 it was suppose to have taken place in '62, should have known how many times I have seen it!
    "On the last day of summer vacation in 1962, friends Curt (Richard Dreyfuss), Steve (Ronny Howard), Terry (Charles Martin Smith) and John (Paul Le Mat) cruise the streets of small-town California while a mysterious disc jockey (Wolfman Jack) spins classic rock'n'roll tunes"
    Why is mine so big and yours so small, Chrysler FirePower

  12. #102
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    It was a movie.. not a documentary. And the story was through the eyes/memories of Lucas... I'd bet he'd call it "artistic license".
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  13. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by 34_40 View Post
    It was a movie.. not a documentary. And the story was through the eyes/memories of Lucas... I'd bet he'd call it "artistic license".
    Filmed in '73, a '72 Corvette color makes perfect sense to me. That said, I could really care less....
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  14. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by rspears View Post
    I think that this guy's research was about the most thorough that anyone has done - New Page 1

    If you take time to find it he says that the paint on the coupe was DuPont #5248A, which is a 1972 Corvette Canary yellow, Centari enamel. That goes against several American Graffiti blogs out there that say "Canary Yellow Lacquer" sprayed by the Orlandi's Body Shop in San Rafael, CA. Now I cannot say what paint your Timeless shop used, but that's the one that's said to be the true color.
    This PPG code is from Rick Blevins from THX138. The PPG paint code is 83849. He said he had is paint guy cross it from the Dupont code.

  15. #105
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    Can any of you post some pictures of body dollies you have built? I'm getting ready to take my body to the paint shop and need to make a dolly. I only need to use it once so I don't want to build some fancy metal one. Any ideas would be appreciated.
    If it wasn't on 8 Track it's not worth listening to!!

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