02-13-2016 08:05 AM #106
BodyPaint.jpgThe paint shop probably has a dolly so all you have to do is get the body to the shop, on a flatbed if necessary. If you are painting it yourself in your garage you can probably make a dolly from a 4' x 8' plywood sheet on a wooden rectangle built from 2" x 4". Maybe Tractor Supply has such casters? Wood is cheaper for one-time use but the whole thing might come out over$200.
Don Shillady
Retired Scientist/teen rodderLast edited by Don Shillady; 02-13-2016 at 08:43 AM.
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02-13-2016 08:16 AM #107
Building A Body Cart - Street Rodder Magazine
Edit; the above link's design has no diagonal braces and should be modified to prevent collapse.Last edited by 36 sedan; 02-14-2016 at 07:20 AM.
02-13-2016 09:18 AM #108
Thanks guys, that link is exactly what I need that's what I'm going to build.Donnie
If it wasn't on 8 Track it's not worth listening to!!
02-13-2016 10:04 AM #109
Body Cart
I made a cart that was completely underneath the car body in order to give clearance for painting. You can't see all of it here, but you can get the idea. Except for the casters, it was made from stuff I had lying around the shop. I bought the casters from Lowe's or Home Depot. Don't remember which. Just check the weight bearing capacity of the casters.
Gone to Texas
02-13-2016 10:22 AM #110
Thanks Jack, good pointDonnie
If it wasn't on 8 Track it's not worth listening to!!
02-13-2016 05:45 PM #111
Don't build this without modification! Against my better judgement as a carpenter I built this thing exactly as listed to find there is absolutely nothing diagonal to keep it from collapsing and with only one bolt per crossmember it is going to collapse, which it did with a body on it! Luckily I wasn't under it, just near it!!Why is mine so big and yours so small, Chrysler FirePower
02-13-2016 06:57 PM #112
Exactly! Under load, that cart can collapse side-to-side or front-to-rear, given enough weight - or, if a wheel hits something and binds while you're pushing it. The one in my photo will not collapse side-to-side because of the width of the main rails and the uprights. It won't collapse front-to-back because of the triangular gussets.
IMG_0071.JPGLast edited by Henry Rifle; 02-13-2016 at 07:11 PM.
Gone to Texas
02-13-2016 09:01 PM #113
You're right, it has no diagonal bracing, didn't pay much attention to it. Add a vertical 2 x 4 between the upper and lower horizontals at the corner 4 x 4s with a 12" square gusset of 1/2" plywood at each corner screwed in place would take care of it.
02-13-2016 09:24 PM #114
02-14-2016 06:53 AM #115
Not my design, I can't believe Street Rodder Mag has not amended it to be safe. The additional cost to make it safe would add less than $20.00, well worth it to be safe. However, as all have pointed out, any design should be made to fit your application and above all be safe.
02-14-2016 07:14 AM #116
One additional note when building your cart, sheet rock screws are not safe for structural applications, they have no sheer value. In other words, they break easily.
02-14-2016 09:11 AM #117
By 'your design' I was only referring to the drawing improvements you had in your post #113. The point on sheet rock screws is spot on.Jack
Gone to Texas
02-14-2016 10:21 AM #118
I simply screwed a few pieces of plywood to the 2x4's at the corners also where it was right next to the 4x4's, mindfully I did this while its was emergency jacked up since it folded up like a tent with a VW body on it (luckily only a VW!) after that particular incident I have always wondered if some of the mag articles where really wrote by guys that actually have some "shop time" in, if you know what I mean.
Reminds me when one of the hot rod mags said turn up your hot water heater as high as it will go and hook a hose to it to really "steam" clean a greasy motor, a few people the next month stated garden hoses burst about 150 degrees and they got a scalding bath!Why is mine so big and yours so small, Chrysler FirePower
02-14-2016 11:14 AM #119
02-15-2016 05:34 AM #120
body cart
AGREE!! Needs lots more support. I have built many for all the bodies I have painted through the years. 4 heavy duty casters mounted on bottom of 3/4 inch plywood sheet cut to size needed then I add 2 x 12 lumber up on top of plywood on all 4 sides all bolted together with long lag bolts. gets body up just high enough to paint very easily and super strong.http://www.daytonagary.com
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