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Thread: Startin a new roadster

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  1. #31
    DA34GUY's Avatar
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    Roger --- FYI
    As of last week Duane said the girl who has been doing his layups is no longer there( Left before Christmas) and does not intend to come back, and no one else in the area (as you know very rural) hhas the experiance to replace her.

    And that Scott is leaving after all the years with him.
    Also said he's gettin to old to do the lay ups , so he will definatly NOT just sell a body. Not worth the time for the slim margin he makes on them.
    He will do it only if it's a complete roll;er.
    Have been doing business with Duane for over 12 years and do know him quite well
    When I get to where I was goin, I forgot why I went there>

  2. #32
    rspears's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DA34GUY View Post
    Roger --- FYI
    As of last week Duane said the girl who has been doing his layups is no longer there( Left before Christmas) and does not intend to come back, and no one else in the area (as you know very rural) hhas the experiance to replace her.

    And that Scott is leaving after all the years with him.
    Also said he's gettin to old to do the lay ups , so he will definatly NOT just sell a body. Not worth the time for the slim margin he makes on them.
    He will do it only if it's a complete roll;er.
    Have been doing business with Duane for over 12 years and do know him quite well
    I can't claim 12 years, but when I call them I say "This is Uncle Roger", and get a big belly laugh in return (Scott & I share the Spears name, no relation). I'm not questioning what Duane told you, and I'm sad to hear that Scott's leaving. I'm aware that you've known Duane for a lot of years, and that in the past you were one of his "volume buyers". Yes, the gal doing his layup work left sometime last year (needed a job with benefits because of ObamaCare). We had another guy here who called Duane at the time, and he was told "...I've lost my layup girl, so I'm holding off on taking any new orders for now." That guy then came on here and reported that Duane "....was not taking orders, and that N&N was going out of business by the end of the year." I called Duane, and he was amazed that his off hand comment had been blown to that point - all he meant was that he wasn't going to promise the guy a body by a hard date until he had sorted out how things were going to shake out with production.

    All I'm saying is that I've found it to be good to talk to the source directly on things like this. And just for the record, Scott left at least once before but came back after a spell because he liked working at N&N with Duane. Of course he may be a victim of the mandatory health care rules too, having to leave for a bigger employer that provides a benefits package. Not my business, not my concern, but I'll repeat my recommendation that anyone who is interested in being a customer of N&N to call Duane and chat rather than assume something based on second hand info. It simply makes good sense. Who knows, someone may convince Duane that he can boost his price on a stand alone body enough to make a good margin, then discount it for a roller making the roller the more attractive alternative.
    Last edited by rspears; 01-22-2016 at 11:53 AM.
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  3. #33
    DA34GUY's Avatar
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    Think I wore out Tim 2day.
    Body and pieces ready 2 paint
    Chassis next week.
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    When I get to where I was goin, I forgot why I went there>

  4. #34
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    The paint slingin begins
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    When I get to where I was goin, I forgot why I went there>

  5. #35
    Whiplash23T's Avatar
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    Poor Tim, he looks exhausted in that photo but he has had a first class lesson on what is involved in bodywork preparation for paint and being his own car, the satisfaction of helping. The joy of worn down finger tips but as my ex-wife would say, " How lovely and soft to the touch my hands were " and I won't say where I was allowed to touch when they were like that.
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  6. #36
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    it'll make that sewing machine look good after a day of sanding .

  7. #37
    figure8's Avatar
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    Does the red coupe have just a little bit of channel?

  8. #38
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    poor old tim looks like 3 miles of bad country road .

  9. #39
    DA34GUY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by figure8 View Post
    Does the red coupe have just a little bit of channel?
    Yep 2" channel
    When I get to where I was goin, I forgot why I went there>

  10. #40
    DA34GUY's Avatar
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    Wimbleton white fire wall, then seal and squirted. More parts to go
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  11. #41
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    Movin right along
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    When I get to where I was goin, I forgot why I went there>

  12. #42
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    great work---Don. you going to go to the Hot Rod Reunion also

  13. #43
    DA34GUY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by reborn55 View Post
    great work---Don. you going to go to the Hot Rod Reunion also
    Yep Ken goin. That's the plan. It'll B the 6th Annual "Geart Greybeard Adventure" to Bowling Green. Probably drive this there
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  14. #44
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    We will see you there then

  15. #45
    Whiplash23T's Avatar
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    Hey Don, I don't know what the weather is doing in Duncan this time of year but I wondered how the new heating unit was performing ? I like the Chevy tail lights in the back of the roadster too and it is a nice change from the tear drop units.
    You won't know yourself cruise out in the Grey Beards Tour in an enclosed vehicle with air conditioning, make it harder to get back into the roadster for the same trip.
    I maybe a little crazy but it stops me going insane.

    Isaiah 48: 17,18.


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