Thread: Frame Pics Posted
10-29-2004 10:49 AM #16
Originally posted by Henry Rifle
I dropped in on Rod this afternoon. If you think his frame photos look good, you should see it in person.
Thank you Jack, your an awesome guy. It was Great to meet you
yesterday. Comming from a man of your experience I appreciate that. Your project sounds and looks terrific as well. If I was not so busy cuttin up in my own garage we should head out to my shop in Wylie sometime. Thanks again Jack.
JIM Sybley Now there is a great painter ! Really good to hear from you all the way out there in Washington now ? Why arent you painting my car ?
Did you work on that silver chopped & Channeled panel of Gumba's in California ? I built that and it was in Street Rodder Mag (yellow then), He did some kinda changes on it too, huh ?Last edited by rocknrod; 10-29-2004 at 10:55 AM.
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10-29-2004 12:34 PM #17
Gumbas truck turned out real cool. He sold it and built the nicest 50s style model A I have ever seen. I did the body and paint on it, and if I were in your neck of the woods, I would be honered to do yours for you.
10-29-2004 02:59 PM #18
Henry. Does the tubing have to be in a specific spot and all or can I make up my own in my own style and just put the tranny in there and everything and work around it?
If you wan't something done right, then you have to do it yourself!
10-29-2004 04:19 PM #19
Does the tubing have to be in a specific spot
can I make up my own in my own style
just put the tranny in there and everything and work around it?
FMX, it seems to me that you don't know much about chassis construction. That's not an insult, just a conclusion I see from your questions, and it's something we all went through. None of us was born a chassis expert. Before you build or modify a chassis, you need to get more information than any of us can line out for you in this forum. My suggestons: Spend a few bucks on catalogs from chassis makers like Alston, Chassis Engineering - and maybe even Fat Jacks. Pore through as many magazines as you can to look at chassis construction on fat-fendered rods. The high-dollar rods in Street Rodder, Street Rod Builder, and others usually show the chassis without the body. See how they place all of their components, and work from there.Last edited by Henry Rifle; 10-29-2004 at 04:25 PM.
Gone to Texas
10-30-2004 02:40 AM #20
Re; Frame Pic's
Hey Rockin;
Nice job on the Frame, Mine should be looking similar in 4 or 5 months, What kind of Mufflers did you use, have you heard them on someone elses car, How's the sound ? did you run S.S. Brake Lines ? and if so who did you get the materials from ? Lots of Luck to you on your construction and a JOB WELL DONE. Thanks in advance on your response. Timskiball
Nothing in life is to be feared but only understood.
10-30-2004 09:27 AM #21
Henry, thanks. I have a few book's and magazines on chassis and So Cal Speed Shop Chassis book. What I was thinking about doing was getting EVERYTHING on like the rear end, engine, exhaust, tranny, brakes, everything and THEN doing the tubing similar to how yours is because I saw a lot of pics in the So Cal book and a few mags I have and they have the same style as the round tubing you have there. I will see about it, it's not any of my worries at the moment, just wanted to get some info on
If you wan't something done right, then you have to do it yourself!
10-30-2004 02:03 PM #22
Re: Re; Frame Pic's
Originally posted by Tim Guzowski
Hey Rockin;
.....What kind of Mufflers did you use, have you heard them on someone elses car, How's the sound ? did you run S.S. Brake Lines ? and if so who did you get the materials from ?........Tim
Inline tube has all the parts you need to get the brake system done.
The mufflers are Flowmaster Hushpowers.
11-09-2004 11:06 AM #23
re: Frame /Mufflers
Rockin ;
Thanks for the reply, Have you heard the mufflers on a running car ? How do they sound, and what made you choose them ? Are they S.S. ? Approx what was their cost each ? That is one Nice Chassis, Thanks Timskiball
Nothing in life is to be feared but only understood.
Many of the long tube cast headers I've run across had a relief ground on the back side for starter bolt clearance. I just trimmed the bolt on mine. On these new shorty's, they eliminated the...
55 Wagon Progress