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Thread: How Dangerous is Drag racing

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  1. #46
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Man, the story just isn't right!!!! It just isn't right, I tell ya!!!!!! Fairy tales are ALWAYS supposed to start with "Once upon a time".!!!!!!!
    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, Live for Today!
    Carroll Shelby

    Learning must be difficult for those who already know it all!!!!

  2. #47
    MrWizard455's Avatar
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    I have several points in the post, thanx for the note of A as in one of them.
    From the feed back to the posts i have made on this thread, many of my points, as is the case in the other threads you alude to having suffered through, and thus forming the opinion that I'm an idiot, have stepped on some very sensitive toes, and hit some pin head nail heads square on the head, since we're getting into name calling again.
    Aparantly some of you watch and put entirely too much stock in movies and TV, books and magazines. You mistakenly assume that this all translates into knowledge. A tip, KNOWLEDGE is born only of experience, prior to that u have only thought and considerations, opinions, which, as i stated, are like A-holes, everyone has one and they only work for them.
    That said expliains why so many of u become animostic when confronted with someone who speaks what they KNOW as opposed to You speaking what you think.
    The end game is, as i also said, IF YOU OPERATE OR HAVE OPERATED ANY TYPE OF HIGH PERFORMANCE RIDE ON THE STREET YOU HAVE AND WILL RACE IT THERE EVEN IF ONLY AGAINST URSELF. This makes it entirely hipocritical for u to post up in forums like this as if ur somehow better than someone who only does the same thing YOU DO, but have the nerve to stand up for it and admit responsibility.
    What i say about street racing is not an excuse for me to street race, there is NO EXCUSE for breaking the law. Besides, i don't need an excuse or justification, certainly not to any of you, i do not do excuses, i find it easier to make a way than an excuse.
    I have no issue with someone disagreeing with me, or even disliking me or what i say. However, u become disrespectful and beligerant with the name calling and insults with me and u get ur feelings hurt when i respond in kind, go whining and crying.
    Consider the old adage that " If you can't stand the heat, stay out the kitchen", or don't pitch if ya can't stand to catch.

  3. #48
    1gary is offline Banned Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrWizard455 View Post
    I have several points in the post, thanx for the note of A as in one of them.
    From the feed back to the posts i have made on this thread, many of my points, as is the case in the other threads you alude to having suffered through, and thus forming the opinion that I'm an idiot, have stepped on some very sensitive toes, and hit some pin head nail heads square on the head, since we're getting into name calling again.
    Aparantly some of you watch and put entirely too much stock in movies and TV, books and magazines. You mistakenly assume that this all translates into knowledge. A tip, KNOWLEDGE is born only of experience, prior to that u have only thought and considerations, opinions, which, as i stated, are like A-holes, everyone has one and they only work for them.
    That said expliains why so many of u become animostic when confronted with someone who speaks what they KNOW as opposed to You speaking what you think.
    The end game is, as i also said, IF YOU OPERATE OR HAVE OPERATED ANY TYPE OF HIGH PERFORMANCE RIDE ON THE STREET YOU HAVE AND WILL RACE IT THERE EVEN IF ONLY AGAINST URSELF. This makes it entirely hipocritical for u to post up in forums like this as if ur somehow better than someone who only does the same thing YOU DO, but have the nerve to stand up for it and admit responsibility.
    What i say about street racing is not an excuse for me to street race, there is NO EXCUSE for breaking the law. Besides, i don't need an excuse or justification, certainly not to any of you, i do not do excuses, i find it easier to make a way than an excuse.
    I have no issue with someone disagreeing with me, or even disliking me or what i say. However, u become disrespectful and beligerant with the name calling and insults with me and u get ur feelings hurt when i respond in kind, go whining and crying.
    Consider the old adage that " If you can't stand the heat, stay out the kitchen", or don't pitch if ya can't stand to catch.
    On the web there is also a adage........."some of the most important posts you make are the ones you don't make".

    The length of the posts you make<of course can take my suggestion or not>seems to kill any point you are trying to make.If your position to you is that insecure by making it longer doesn't hide that fact.In fact it makes it even more clear.

    I believe a Moderator here has spoke to you about this issue before and advised you about it,yet you still continue.

    So you are you and even through members here have told you what they think and a Moderator has giving you his best advise,might be the best solution for you to just move on??.Just using some deductive logic.

    And please,please,please...........do some reflective thinking before saying anything else.


    Good Bye

  4. #49
    IC2 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Mr Mustang/Bill
    PLEASE LOCK THIS THREAD - it has gone on too long. And the beat? It still continues ad nauseum.
    Dave W
    I am now gone from this forum for now - finally have pulled the plug

  5. #50
    Henry Rifle's Avatar
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    The Queen is sobbing and almost hysterical. Her language has been slaughtered with a dull axe.

    Gone to Texas

  6. #51
    jayp's Avatar
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    "A wise man speaks when he has something to say.......

    A fool speaks when he needs to say something"

  7. #52
    34_40's Avatar
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    My Daddy always said, "An empty barrel makes the most noise!" nuff said!

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