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Thread: Engine stalls under load

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  1. #1
    btaylor is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Engine stalls under load


    Help I got a problem!! Just bought a 66 nova with a 327 engine that i know nothing about what was put in it. It does have a cam (don't know what though), headers, Edelbrock RPM intake with Edelbrock 600 cfm carb. It is automatic and also has a stock distributor. The problem i am having is that when I put the car in gear it stalls out. Other than that, in park the engine sounds and runs great. It doesn't stumble or bog down on acceleration or anything. Just when you put it in gear. I have tried setting idle up, advance timing and still happens. Once you rev it up and keep it going it runs great. Any suggestions??

  2. #2
    hambiskit is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Buy a carb.

  3. #3
    btaylor is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    The carb is brand new. Are you saying it isn't enough carb?

  4. #4
    hambiskit is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    did you get a manuel with it? Elde's are sensitve to vaccum.

  5. #5
    btaylor is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    It is the performer series 1406 and I didn't get any manual just sheet of paper telling you how to install and set carb.

  6. #6
    btaylor is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Thanks Dennyw!! I will try it and see. Also if i don't know what cam it has in it, how do i know what to set the ignition timing at?

  7. #7
    btaylor is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    No I don't have a vaccum gauge, but plan on getting one tomorrow. A buddy told me the same thing. Stock timing mark is 4 BTDC and this engine seems to run better when advanced completed off the timing tab. The previous owner didn't do the work on the engine and didn't know anything about it. He just drove it. I can at least work my way around a engine, but I have never had anything but stock engines. The engine seems to be pretty healthy and the cam has a good lope to it. That's about all I can tell you. Runs great when you get past the stalling.

  8. #8
    btaylor is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I've got the last two owners names and numbers. I tried calling both of them tonight but no answer. I was trying to find out something on it anyway. I got frustrated with it today and finally tried calling everyone I knew or didn't know to help me figure it out. I just bought the car 2 weeks ago from a guy I know who deals in corvettes and he took it in on trade. He was the one who told me the owner couldn't tell him anything about the engine. I will try the vaccum leak check, set timing using vaccum gauge, and try to keep getting ahold of the two owners i have name and numbers for, and get back with you if nothing works. Thanks for your help!!

  9. #9
    Black Glove is offline Registered User Visit my Photo Gallery
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    What ever happened in this situation ? I may be all wet here but could there be a distributor problem, with all those new parts it could be the weak link. it never hurts to ck out the vacuum advance diaphram all the way down to the mechanical flyweights and springs, distributors need to be perfect. I think I will go and pop the cap on mine and check things out.

    P.S. Electronic ignition is sure a nice upgrade...

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