So SPring is rolling around in my neck of the woods, finally! Got my 64 Gal with 4 barrel 352 out and want to start tinkering with it since I had some probs last year before I put her away. Frist some history. First of all, the car was running fine when I rebuilt it after buying it. She had a bent pushrod, replaced and drove it the remainder of that summer. Last summer i was having some ignition probs and couldn't get her running right. Figured the timing chain must be crapped out and was right. Pulled the cover, no teeth! Stole the steel one from my pile of 390 parts, and put her back together. She ran right but was backfiring a bit. Timing still off, but I could live with it.

So last year I start having venting problems. I'd drive the car to work (about 10 city miles) and when I'd park it I'd hear a hissing sound and oil would vent from somewhere in the back of the engine. From what i could tell, the brillo pad looking thing in the crackcase vent at the rear of the intake manifold was plugged solid and the pressure was building up and blowing oil out my rear seal. This sound right to anyone so far? So I have this nice clean powerwashed painted intake sitting around from my other 352, but with no brillo pad thingy(sorry, don't know the proper name for it). This thingy is obviously some sort of oil seperator, but I was willing to go without it, to get the car back on the road. Well the first time around, my cheapness got the best of me so I just used the old gaskets. Well the car wouldn't start and I troubleshot the timing and carb, but it seemed to be a vaccum prob. So I figured the gaskets were crap, so i forked out some money put new gaskets on the intake and put it back together. Should start now right? Nope. BTW, those intakes are about 4000 lbs, fun fun fun. Still seem to have a vacuum leak and she won't start. I think the ignition can be ruled out but not sure. I figure I'll get an electronic ignition soon and eliminate that. I didn't change dist position of points gap since it drove so it shouldn't be a prob anyhow.

Any ideas? I know its hard to troubleshoot over the internet, but maybe someone can think of something to try that i didn't think of, being a shade tree mechanic and all. thanks!!