For a quick check pull the high voltage wire from the ignition coil to the distributor, outta the distributor. Slide the boot back and tape a spark plug onto the metal terminal on the unplugged end. Lay Mr. sparkplug on the intake manifold and then crank the engine. You should have a nice BLUE spark! If you have a dingy yellow one you have a problem wid dah ignition system. Get back to us we'll have lots O suggestions.

If you have a BLUE one, plug the wire back into the distributor and try the sparkplug on one of the cylinder wires. You should still have a nice BLUE spark just one eighth as often.

Find a timing light and make sure it blinks everytime the timing mark is near the timing pointer while you crank her over.

If this all works you can spend your time looking elsewhere.

I would definitely NOT put new ignition on her until the old ignition works. As Denny sez you may have messed up a wire or something. This could make for real confusion while installing a new system.