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Thread: Wierd problem, could use some help

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  1. #9
    birchymm's Avatar
    birchymm is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Battle creek
    Car Year, Make, Model: 64 Ford Galaxie 500

    Thanks Denny I'm a little more awake now. The Coil, duh

    thanks for the exact gap Dave, that should help.

    Thanks for the long reply Mike. This is what I have done on your list:

    1. Thought the fuel was a prob, had an Edlebrock on and the Acc Pump was bad so I threw on the original Holley/Ford that came with the car. Move the throttle and nice even spray coming out. Fuel prob eliminated.

    2.Dist does turn. I put the timing light pickup on every wire while turning over and got nice flashy light for every one, so they are firing. I did NOT check the voltages at all, still haven't gottne around to investing in a nice volt meter. Is it posible that it can be firing at the wrong voltage? Didn't think it could

    3. My balancer is well marked and it does line up when at TDC (pretty close, within a CM). At this point the points are opened to the max at that spot. Think I have this part OK

    4.I have pulled the plugs and they are used but seem to look alright with some wire brushing. I'm at the point now, where I think I will just go out and buy new plugs and wires, but I don't want to do that and just foul them all up again. we'll see

    5. At first i just installed the carb, water spacer, and manifold spacer with crappy used gaskets. To eliminat that as a possibility I dug out some nice new gaskets and installed them throughout. I assume this eliminated that prob. As far as the manifold gaskets, I used the rubber seals as well as some silicone. there is a possibilty it was over kill, but I thought I did an OK job. I did install the manifold by hand, and it took everything I had(as well as a hand from my wife) to get it in there straight but I think I did, and as far as I can tell its all good.
    I'll double check though.

    I'm at the point where I think i want to just start from scratch and eliminate everything as I go. get new plugs, wires, electronic ignition, new gaskets, carb kit and go at it all over again. Of course if I get it right, i won't know exactly what was wrong thanks for all the responses gentlemen, you've been a lot of help. this is payday week for me so maybe I'll get to doing it this weekend, although I see the forecast has Snow/rain mix for Sat, and I do my work in a driveway not a garage. Oh well. thanks again!!
    Last edited by birchymm; 04-20-2005 at 08:17 AM.

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