Thread: A lil help? PLease.
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09-15-2005 07:43 PM #4
Thaks a lot. Lots of good info. Now i had already changed all the filters, got a new air cleaner. And the paint i was all over that when i first started. I took apart the distributor in its current state, can we say corosion? I cleaned it real good. then i put in some new spark plugs "finaly".It runs better already. Now im bent between the petronix hit and the proform kit. The proform kits 20$ cheaper. But im not sure wich is of more quilatiy. And id like to start geting into replacing others things(get some more power), is it possible to put in a new cam & lifters set with out modifying rockers, springs, heads, etc. Oh and yes i replaced the timing chain set already. And im geting ready to install headers. Im going real chep on those, i geting summit racing headers. One of my frinends got me some mufflers a long time ago. So im good on that end of the spectrium. Basicly i just need help with the cam and the HEI upgrade kit questions. Thanks agian.
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