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Thread: i dont get it

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  1. #1
    S19243H's Avatar
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    Post i dont get it


    i posted a thread here called i did not know. you can veiw it if you want. ,compare the difference between mine and the one chevy 37 posted. everybody tells him to run it and mine almost everyone tells me not to "two fours on a tunnel ram" hell dave seversen tells me "people who dont better will by it " you dont know me dave and you dont know what i know either ! a---whole!i come here looking for help and suggestions not some smart ass telling me "then run it"

  2. #2
    donsrods is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Glenn: I went back and read your previous thread, and you are right, some of the responses were that you should forget about the ram. But some were also saying they had used them and they were ok.

    First of all, NO, it won't start, idle and run like a new Cadillac. However, that is not what we are trying to build anyway. Our cars are rude. crude, and sometimes uncomfortable, but we like the way they sound, smell, and run like stink. So we put up with a few hiccups like lumpy cams, overcarbed manifolds, and noisy exhaust.

    My '27 roadster is running 2 x 600 cfm edelbrocks, and is certainly overcarbed, but I wouldn't trade it for a better running single carb if you paid me. I am also building a 30 over 460 Ford for my next bucket, and it will run a tunnel ram, roller rockers, and a cam that should only be on a fuel dragster. Will it idle rough, and stall at red lights unless I bump it into neutral? Probably, but that is the price I am willing to pay for a rod that will scare the bejesus out of me when I kick it. Let's see a nice smooth Caddy do that.

    Put the ram on it. Hell, you only live once. Plus multiple carbs set a car apart from the pack.
    Don........as long as I have projects to finish I can't die

  3. #3
    S19243H's Avatar
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    you go head brother....thats what im talking about!i dont want a cadillac with a smooth idle i want what you like and thanks fellow street rodder ... im going for it
    you can do it if you know how it works

  4. #4
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    I'm not going to defend Dave's remarks, he's very capable of doing that for himself.

    What I will do is give my observation of how the thread went. Based on this thread I don't imagine you'll like what I say because it's not what you want to hear. You'll probably like Don's answer above, because based your comments in the other thread, he told you what you want to hear. Also, you should be happy with Pat's remarks for the same reason.

    You started out asking why the 1987 cutoff for application. Mike answered correctly; different mounting on the heads. Then, wishing to be helpful, a couple folks passed on that tunnel ram manifolds are not intended for cruising, a criteria you specified in your first inquiry, they are designed for high rpm performance use, not stop and go. Here's the part you won't like. Your reply back had the tone of being argumentative. That tone will often get you a "then why did you ask?", or some variant, type reply. It doesn't matter if that's what you intended, it's how it came across in the way you wrote it. Just like this thread. You start with a thumbs down, and the IMPRESSION (again maybe not what you intend, but what comes across to an average reader) it that you feel you've somehow been selected against because the answer to chevy 37 was different. Fact is, he wasn't asking about a tunnel ram style manifold.............which makes a LOT of difference.

    Just to put a finer point on the importance of how what you write comes across. Had you continued on your original thread with a statement something like "I'm confused, you guys said it would work for chevy 37 on his dual quad, but are trying to talk me out of this one. Why?" You then probably would have gotten some more thorough replies that could have made it clearer to you the differences in the two applications. You would have demonstrated a desire to better understand the subject rather than appear to be in the position of telling people who's opinion you asked that you don't believe them. Again, you may not think that's what you were doing, but that's how it comes across. All we know you by is what you say, and how you say it.

    EDITED ADDITION: I see you verified my guess while I was typing the above remarks. I also realized that I didn't understand your a--whole comment in the first post here. Calling someone a name like that, even though you misspelled the part not blanked, will not win you any respect either.
    Last edited by Bob Parmenter; 12-29-2005 at 05:40 PM.
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  5. #5
    canadianal's Avatar
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    hey glen dont get too bummed about peoples responses, advice is advice everybody has some for someone else, you may not agree with it and also it may not be what you are looking for.
    yeah 2 4 bbls will fart around at lower speeds but there a blast once their opened up and the engine is cleaned out.
    hey and don my caddy engine scares the crap out of me when i floor it

  6. #6
    donsrods is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Bob makes some very good points, and the reason I jumped in to try to smooth some ruffled feathers is that I just made an A** out of myself when I wrote the thread about how I was "banned from the forum." Come to find out I wasn't, but was just computer-stupid.

    Trouble with doing this sitting at a keyboard is that sometimes the words we type aren't exactly what we mean, and since no one can see our expressions while we are saying those words, sometimes the true meaning is lost. I read the previous thread, and Bob is correct, I saw nothing there that was offensive or in any way putting Glenn down. But, in reading it, he did, and that was all that mattered to him.

    We have all jumped to conclusions and said or done things we regret in hindsight, so I think the situation was just one of misunderstanding. The reason I like this particular forum so much is that the people who participate are smart, knowledgeable, and have a concern for helping their fellow rodders. So every once in a while all of us will have a friendly disagreement and shake hands when it is over.

    I hope Glenn is able to do that, and continue participating. After all, none of you held it against me for my stupid little thread, and I thank you all for that.
    Don........as long as I have projects to finish I can't die

  7. #7
    Matt167's Avatar
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    If your talking about Chevy 37's 2-4 setup, his setup is not a tunnal ram, it's a regular manifold. If you want to run a tunnel ram, it's going to be soggy on the bottom end but strong on the top end, and your going to have low vacume, I know your car has power brakes, and you need good vacume for them. And a big cam with the barely running idle dosn't make sense for a street car, because thay type of cam would run around 4k-6k RPM, and would need at least 11:1 comp for it even to make sense, it is otherwise, the cam of that size could hurt the HP, not gain it.

    Shure a tunnel ram would work with the correct tuning, but is it going to be better than a dual plane single carb, for street use, probably not. there is a way you could make a tunnel ram look, using a tunnel ram and 2 old identical carbs you can make look decent. get a good dual plane, then get a bare tunnel ram ( Ebay should have 1 ) cut the manifold bottom out of it, and fabricate somthing that goes over the dual plane but still look good, gut the 2 carbs with a dremel ( make them open tubes basicly ), mount them on the tunnel ram, then mount a single carb on the actual manifold, and you could fabricate yourself a funnel type thing, that could funnel air into the carb from the 2 fake carbs. mount your hilborn scoop ontop, cut a hole in the hood, and you got forced air induction, which will increase HP to some degree at highway speeds.

    I think your only hearing what you want to hear, and not listining to anything that does not support your idea, which if you go along with, will be very unhappy with performance, and then you will be 1 of those people saying don't run the tunnel ram, because you will know from first hand experience
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  8. #8
    lildebbie1111 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    thanks for the feedback guys i guess when you set at a computer you express feelings before you think i didnt read between the lines i seen two fours and my thing went hard i appoligize dave and every one, for me being an ass hole! know i no why there was not a comparison im still going for it

  9. #9
    lildebbie1111 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    oh buy the way guys / some how i cant log in , so i had to use my girls log in s19243h glenn

  10. #10
    donsrods is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Don........as long as I have projects to finish I can't die

  11. #11
    shine's Avatar
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    it's called port volocity. the furthe away the carb the slower the air moves at low rpm. this is a friends car. we've fought this thing for 25 years trying to get it streetable. he absolutly wont part with the tunnel ram. the car is a real dog until you get past 4k. what i have done is to put smaller carbs on it with screened intake gaskets along with an air cleaner to try to speed up the charge. if not by the time it hits the cyclinder it's just a bunch of fuel drops. it will drive you nuts trying to tune but if it's what you want then learn to tune it and be happy.
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  12. #12
    lildebbie1111 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    hey guys, what about a under the hood two fours set up?

  13. #13
    DONNIE G's Avatar
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    Thumbs up


    put anything you want ontop of you're mill,however you gotta know every setup will have affects on you're overall motoring enjoyment.,
    the bad 29 has a few,highway gearing,nasty carb stumble when coming off a stop light.,
    sure it over fuels a bit,its a learning curve...ie two foot it when coming off the lights,once the revs come up a bit,what a rush
    by the way multible stop lights are a bad thing.,vacuum wise!
    should run a vacuum can when running this combo & a lumpy cam!
    picture inclosed

    yes there is a full cowling that fits over this setup,even with the stacks!
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    Last edited by DONNIE G; 12-29-2005 at 07:50 PM.

  14. #14
    Matt167's Avatar
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    Originally posted by lildebbie1111
    hey guys, what about a under the hood two fours set up?
    would work fine if you could tune them togther, which wouldn't be to hard, they have about the same designe as a regular dual plane, just an extra carb, run 2 450's or 390's and you would be ok, run a progressive linkage to the rear carb.
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  15. #15
    DONNIE G's Avatar
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    the bad 29 is runnind a progressive linkage set up to idle off of the front carb!, which has an electric choke,
    the back carb starts coming into play at about 1800 rp's
    with the help of an excentric cam, the back carb reaches WOT,at
    the same time as the front one at that time more than my lips are puckered

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