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Thread: mechanical fuel pump for FI 302 block

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  1. #1
    Whit Tabor is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    mechanical fuel pump for FI 302 block


    A quick back ground on what I am doing. A personal friend of 30 years was diagnosed with cancer. He just retired last october. His retirement project was a 52 F1 1/2 ton. With my wifes blessings I decided to finish the truck for him. the project is going well but I am at a snag. The engine is a 88 FI 302. Another friend has built the motor free of charge. It was converted to mechanical fuel pump. The fuel pump inlet and outlet are 5/16 and the new gas tank is 3/8 line. Will be running an Eldebrock 600 which has 3/8 inlet. This engine has a 2 piece eccentric on the cam. Does anyone know if this pump will run the engine if i reduce the line sizes to 5/16 or is there a pump that has 3/8 inlet and outlet for that will fit this block. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    You will have no problem dropping down to 5/16".. If this were a high performance engine I wouldn't do it, but for a driver, no trouble what so ever.

    I wish your friend well, and you are a true friend to do this great thing for him. I have had friends like you in my life, and they are what really count in life.


  3. #3
    Whit Tabor is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Thanks ITOLDYOUSO, The engine is mild. Bored 30 over to clean up. Flat tops, mild hydrolic and Edelbrock performer intake. I see hyperformance fuel pumps on some sites but i don't think I need 110 gph. I have not been able to find a stock one that has the 3/8 fittings on both. I will try to neatly reduce the lines. I will keep looking but I am kind of on a time limit. Thanks Again.

  4. #4
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    If it's set up the same way as a '66 289/302 you could use a Carter from www.SummitRacing.com part# CRT6984 for $29.99 that would allow you to reduce the size with brass fittings.
    Ken Thomas
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  5. #5
    Whit Tabor is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Thanks NTFDAY


    I am being told that with the 2 piece on the eccentric that the older models will not work. I am not a Ford Guru so i am not sure. I don't know what the difference would be. Thanks for the reply.

  6. #6
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    Post a picture of the pump if you can. The only difference I can think of would be the length of the arm. Maybe Denny W will chime in, he's more of a Ford guru than I am. I going by what I know will work on early 389/302's and early 360/390's.
    Ken Thomas
    NoT FaDe AwaY and the music didn't die
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  7. #7
    fatnlo56's Avatar
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    I have a '85 block w/mech. fuel pump. The pump is from an '83. I believe the timing chain cover was changed to accept the mech. pump. (I bought the motor done) My issue is, my power steering pump bracket now hits the fuel pump. I was going to use a later model serpentine set up. I didnt realize the pump would interfere. Keep that in mind, if you are planning to go serpentine

  8. #8
    Whit Tabor is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    fuel pump worked


    -- The fuel pump in question does run the engine nicely. Made test run around subdivision and it seems to do ok. My friend is still taking treatments and is having a hard time as you all might know if you have been with someone who is taking cancer treatments. With the help of son-in-law and 2 others the truck is on its way to paint shop( also another friend who volunteered to help).
    This has been done in 32 days at approx. 10 to 12 hours a day.I will post a before and after pic as soon as i can if you guys are interrested. Thanks for your help and concern.

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