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Thread: Need Help Building Chevy 350

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    Itoldyouso's Avatar
    Itoldyouso is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Jan 2006
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    Car Year, Make, Model: '27 ford/'39 dodge/ '23 t

    Need Help Building Chevy 350


    As I've mentioned, I am going to use the 1999 350, 5.7 Chevy Vortec engine I got for free in the $ 3K T bucket. But it has been 30 years since I've built a Chevy, and know some things have changed, so I need some expert advice.

    The engine does not have a flywheel on it, and I am going to try to use the stick setup I just bought on Ebay, if there is room for the clutch pedal in the bucket. I am going to start shopping Ebay for a bellhousing, and flywheel. Nothing special, this isn't going to be a high performance build, so a stock Chevy flywheel is fine.

    What do I look for? I think the engine is internally balanced, so I won't have to sweat different balance flywheels like for 302 Fords, but is there anything else I need to know?

    There is also a bellhousing on Ebay right now, but the bolt pattern for the trans to mount to is 5 bolt. It that simply a multibolt pattern bellhousing, or is it for something I can't use, like a truck? The trans I bought is for a '64-'67 Nova, according to the ad. It looks like a regular Chevy 4 bolt pattern.

    Finally, being that the engine is a Vortec, I know the intake bolt pattern is different, but are there any other differences.

    Any help you guys can provide will be greatly appreciated.


    Oh, and have a nice Holiday everybody.
    Last edited by Itoldyouso; 04-16-2006 at 07:40 AM.

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