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Thread: fuel injection

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  1. #31
    lt1s10's Avatar
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    i bought a 25'000 mile LT1 motor, complete ac, alt. ps, brackets, wiring harness and computer put it into my truck for less than $2000.00 now it dont get no better than that.
    check my home page out!!!

  2. #32
    Don Meyer is offline Moderator Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Thanks for the replies Guys....How about a discussion on the costs,difficulties to install & advantages of the different systems GM used on the SBC.

    A LT1 for $2k w/25k miles was a real bargain.

    I have 3 toys now: 2 of which have GM crate motors w/carbs & a Z06 Vette.Would like to put fuel injection on one of the 1969-85 type SBC motors......
    Last edited by Don Meyer; 03-14-2005 at 11:01 AM.
    Don Meyer, PhD-Mech Engr(48 GMC Trk/chopped/cab extended/caddy fins & a GM converted Rolls Royce Silver Shadow).

  3. #33
    robot's Avatar
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    A good summary of the history of GM Port Injection is at


    Click on the "GM Port Injection" button. This article was written in about 2000 before Don passed away so it hasnt been updated for the later injections......

    It briefly mentions TBI (throttle body injection).

    Anyone wanting to incorporate stock injection components needs to do the research to find the easy path.....stuff like PassKey and OBDII make the task tougher. As time passes, injection will get cheaper for the hot rod guys. Right now, an early tuned port injection (pre PassKey) is pretty inexpensive and can be nice looking.

    The aftermarket offers an array of controllers that never had all the emission sensors in the code so they are the easiest to add onto an existing car.

    mike in tucson

  4. #34
    lt1s10's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Don Meyer
    Thanks for the replies Guys....How about a discussion on the costs,difficulties to install & advantages of the different systems GM used on the SBC.

    A LT1 for $2k w/25k miles was a real bargain.

    I have 3 toys now: 2 of which have GM crate motors w/carbs & a Z06 Vette.Would like to put fuel injection on one of the 1969-85 type SBC motors......
    what robot says is true, and as far as the "passkey" goes anybody that can program a chip can get passed that. through 1993 you would have to have your chip progeamed to your specification anyway(and belive me its not gonna run untill you get that "passkey" out of there). i wish i had of know that on my first EFI motor. you need to understand how the EFI works and then its gets easy. i work with them all of the time so that makes it a little easer for me. the only problem i see is the intake. im told you can drill the late model out to fit the old model heads but i have never had to do that. if that not a problem then its just a matter of going to the junk yrd. and buying what ever intake, sensers, wiring harness and computer off of what motor you wont. you well need a good wiring diagram of that yr. car so you'll know what hot wires to hook up. on my lt1 it had 1 hot all the time wire and 2 or 3 hot with start and run, going to the computer, and that was all it needed. if i was to do another one for the st. id use the 89-90 camero or trans. am. TPI. it looks good, a friend just bought a 1989 trans am complete for parts for 300.00 and everything he needs is there. you need to find a co. like s & p that will help you as you go. get a wiring diagram of that yr. a how to EFI book, ask a lot of ? and go for it. on the first 1 id might buy the after market wiring harness (300.00 to 600.00). riverhorse just told me he priced a 2000 ls1 complete with wiring harness and computer low millage for less than 3000.00 and then you need to add a 300.00 fuel pump to that.you can buy a lt1 complete for 1200.00 plus the fuel pump, a new chip for less than 2000.00 and i belive you can buy a older model tpi complete, no motor for 300.00 buy a chip, new wiring harness, and fuel pump and have less than 1200.00 in it.then you got to buy the motor. the only way i would do this for myself is if i had a complete donor car. don i dont think id spend to much time on the tbi, id go for the tpi or mpi. all of them work the same way just dif. design, some with more sensers than other, but once you understand what each one does then it'll make sense
    the only disadvantage that i know of is not knowing how to work on them, but by the time you get it in and hooked up you will be able to do that. then you can start you hot rod up in the car port while youre in the house having your first cup of coffee. now thats
    check my home page out!!!

  5. #35
    Don Meyer is offline Moderator Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Great replies. When I first started this thread I was not thinking of doing this to one of my cars ,but all the discussion has made me want to do it......... Don
    Last edited by Don Meyer; 03-15-2005 at 04:03 AM.
    Don Meyer, PhD-Mech Engr(48 GMC Trk/chopped/cab extended/caddy fins & a GM converted Rolls Royce Silver Shadow).

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