Thread: 71 Ford truck 460 timing
06-07-2009 10:59 AM #1
71 Ford truck 460 timing
I got a 1975 Ford F-100 with a 1971 460 truck engine. It has a edelbrock torker II intake manifold and a Holley 750(780) Can anybody help me with information how to adjust the ignition timing? Thanks.
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06-07-2009 03:35 PM #2
the 460 wasn't in the trucks until 1973 ( except for the one I built in 1970 that Ford copied)
Do you have the ford distributor and is it points or electronic?
Vacume advance?
And where is the dist vacume hooked on the carb?
06-07-2009 09:25 PM #3
06-07-2009 09:29 PM #4
06-08-2009 07:02 AM #5
can you post a pic of the carb and inside of the dist without the aircleaner or dist cap?
Looks like ognition box on the fenderwell behind the brake ---you will need to disconnect and plug the vacume line running to the distributor and set the timing around 12 to 14 degrees---check the vacume line to see if you have a lot or next to no vacume at idle---with it hooked back up the timing should advance as you rev the engine---since it is a 1971 engine it is hi compression and you will need premium gas and be wary of spark nock on accelleration
06-08-2009 03:32 PM #6
06-12-2009 03:07 AM #7
Thanks Jerry, I have taken some new photos. I think the vacum line to the distributor my be connected to the wrong vacum port on the carburetor. What do you think?
06-12-2009 03:50 AM #8
06-12-2009 03:51 AM #9
06-12-2009 03:53 AM #10
06-12-2009 03:58 AM #11
What can be done to reduce the fuel consumption?
06-12-2009 07:37 AM #12
vacume line is on the correct port for the ford dist. unhook and plug the line when setting the timing- for a 1971 4* btc is listed, 10* for most other years---starting around mid 70s they retarted the camshaft 8* and advancing it back up will help--when they lowered the compression and did all the smog stuff the econ went to hell but advancing the cam, more timing and possibly going to 68 - 70 jets in the primaries will help performance---It isn't a 4 wheel drive is it???
06-12-2009 08:34 AM #13
I do agree with the later '70s retarded camshaft in early 460's. It does entail a front of the engine tear down and a new pair of timing gears and new chain - which if it has over 50K miles, probably needs anyhow as the OEM's are 'silent nylon'. From doing that mod to a '76 F250 and a '79 F350, I can assure you that it does make a difference in gas mileage and even better, performance. Set the timing then at 9-10 deg BTDC. Also, trash that bitty 475/525 cfm OEM carb for something that has some venturi area so it can breathe a bit better - the mid to late '70's heads aren't the bestDave W
I am now gone from this forum for now - finally have pulled the plug
06-12-2009 02:30 PM #14
06-12-2009 02:42 PM #15
Great to see your new post, Mike, and great to see CHR up and running again after several days of the Hmmm, can't reach this page.... Also good that you found an easy solution to your storage/access...
1968 Plymouth Valiant 1st Gen HEMI