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Thread: Respect

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  1. #1
    MrWizard455's Avatar
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    on some of the threads i have commented on i have been met with quite a bit of animosity, insulting responses and the like. Like most anyone else i do not respond well to such childish antics, mainly because they are made by cowards who hide behind a PC and talk smack they haven't the ability to back ot even the nerve to try, during my days as an owner/operator trucker we called these folk radio rambos, folk who sell wolf tickets(bluff) in an effort to intimidate and silence those folk with whom they do not agree.
    I was given the impression by my friend Brent who started this forum that such BS wouldn't b a part of it; that folk would b required to give the respect that they expected.
    Seems a number of you have failed to do that, kinda like a lot of the idiot kidiots who inhabit the chats on-line trying to perpatrate as if they know, are and or have done things that they do not and have not.
    Respect is something, at least with me and anyone im associated with, that must b 1st given to b recieved, its not something u can demand or expect without payin the dues of givin it FIRST.
    Since a number of the folk on this forum don't seem to realize that, i suggest that whenever those folk see a post by me, they simply disregard same, or at least keep their childish insults and jabs to themselves. If not i will always as i have done thus far respond to those folk with the same BS they throw at me back in their face. That kind of crap is what in my vernacular is called playin the dozens, and i am better at THAT than any of u are likely to b if you live to b 200, and i was by the time i was a teen. That type of childish thing is not my aim, but it will always b my response to antagonism, name calling and general insults. The end game is that unless u like having ur cap twisted with ur own BS(getting embarrased and laughed at by ur peers) refrain from responding to anything i post with it.
    I love toys, lots of em and big boy toys at that, however i do not play, nor am i to b played with at any time in any manner by anyone. This isn't some new MO for me, its always been my MO. If i post something that i do no actually KNOW, i will preface or suffix same with that fact. OR simply ASK a question about the subject.
    However when it comes to car crafting, especially in terms of drag race oriented build of any make or model, foreign or domestic, i have a vast wealth of both experience as well as formal education. Tho i am predominantly a domestic GM BOP fan, i have had hot rods of bout every type and brand there is, bought built and raced em for myself as well as built and raced em for other folk. I have been drag racing, buying and building cars to drag race for myself and others since July 5 1963.
    I can take loosing, but like anyone else i do not LIKE to loose...that said, its only someone who doesn't race who doesn't loose. Your only option or hope is to win MORE than u LOOSE and to do that u must b as much aware of what ur racing against as u are about that which u race with, that way, as i have for the past 30+ years, u will win more than u loose and thats the best u can hope for. Toward that end i have engaged in countless hours of research and development as well as aquired a Mecjhanical Engineering degree in automotive applications from GMI(Now Kettering University)n jus for my own ediface to help me better craft rides and drag race combo's. I do not know it all and i doubt myself or anyone else ever will, not even about automotives but I DO know quite a bit more than the average car crafter especially when it comes to technicals, becaue i have not only a vast amount of experience but also a vast amount of formal education concerning same. With this im willing to help anyone, even a competitor, and with respect. Accept it or not, do so with respect and im quite easy to get along with, as well as i will respond to u in kind with the utmost respect, if not then i must respect that ur being DISrespectful and respond accordingly.
    I'm not a bad azz or a bully, never have been or wanted to b, but i respond to such tactics in a manner thats never going to b anything anyone wants to deal with, and whatever one wishes to do about said response, BRING IT, for real, don't sit back behind a PC and spit venom and sell wolf tickets u can't back up and won't even try. None of this applies to the lion's share of the participants on this forum, and all in all its a great forum, full of valuable crafting info, but like anything good, some choose to abuse the priveledge and this post is directed at those folk in particular. Others may overlook such childish antics and insults, i will not. Those of you to whom i refer can take that for whatever ya think its worth; my suggestion is that ya take it as a word to the wise. Thanx folk, have a blessed day.
    Last edited by MrWizard455; 04-08-2010 at 11:13 AM.

  2. #2
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    Let me get this straight, you want respect but you have the audacity to try to intimidate and basically threaten those whom you deem don't show that respect.
    Ken Thomas
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  3. #3
    jerry clayton's Avatar
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    And that is why the folks who live in Michigan are afraid of this guy

  4. #4
    vara4's Avatar
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    So Jerry are you glad you don't live in Michigan. HE! HE! HE! Kurt

  5. #5
    kitz's Avatar
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    I mainly stick to the technical high ground. So if I may offer the following;


    1. Not fastened, restrained, or contained: loose bricks.
    2. Not taut, fixed, or rigid: a loose anchor line; a loose chair leg.
    3. Free from confinement or imprisonment; unfettered: criminals loose in the neighborhood; dogs that are loose on the streets.
    4. Not tight-fitting or tightly fitted: loose shoes.
    5. Not bound, bundled, stapled, or gathered together: loose papers.
    6. Not compact or dense in arrangement or structure: loose gravel.
    7. Lacking a sense of restraint or responsibility; idle: loose talk.
    8. Not formal; relaxed: a loose atmosphere at the club.
    9. Lacking conventional moral restraint in sexual behavior.
    10. Not literal or exact: a loose translation.
    11. Characterized by a free movement of fluids in the body: a loose cough; loose bowels.


    a. To be deprived of (something one has had): lost her art collection in the fire; lost her job.
    b. To be left alone or desolate because of the death of: lost his wife.
    c. To be unable to keep alive: a doctor who has lost very few patients.
    d. To let (oneself) become unable to find the way.
    e. To remove (oneself), as from everyday reality into a fantasy world.
    f. To elude or outdistance: lost their pursuers.
    g. To be outdistanced by: chased the thieves but lost them.
    2. To be unable to keep control or allegiance of: lost his temper at the meeting; is losing supporters by changing his mind.
    3. To fail to win; fail in: lost the game; lost the court case.
    4. To fail to use or take advantage of: Don't lose a chance to improve your position.
    5. To fail to hear, see, or understand: We lost the plane in the fog. I lost her when she started speaking about thermodynamics.

    Jon Kitzmiller, MSME, PhD EE, 32 Ford Hiboy Roadster, Cornhusker frame, Heidts IFS/IRS, 3.50 Posi, Lone Star body, Lone Star/Kitz internal frame, ZZ502/550, TH400

  6. #6
    jerry clayton's Avatar
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    I've raced over there, never saw this guy---but I am hearing from folks in Michigan about him and they generally state that they are concerned enough that they won't answer posts of his.
    I checked his history of posts he originated and there is only one or two responces besides his own and the other posts he replies to just seem to die on the spot. Too bad , he seems to have a lot of experience and has/has had some interesting rides, just seems refuse to look at facts vs his misguided assumpions!

  7. #7
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    I wonder if he's related to Streets
    Ken Thomas
    NoT FaDe AwaY and the music didn't die
    The simplest road is usually the last one sought
    Wild Willie & AA/FA's The greatest show in drag racing

  8. #8
    techinspector1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Louey View Post
    What seems to be going on here ?
    Louey, you are a treasure my friend.

  9. #9
    HOTRODPAINT's Avatar
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    Demanding respect, and threatening to thump those who don't, will get you something.... but it isn't respect.

    No, that is not a threat. I am referring to loss of respect, or disgust.

    I just lost a son who believed in demanding respect. His philosophy cost him everything.

  10. #10
    Stu Cool's Avatar
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    I was told once not to get in the mud and wrestle with a pig. You just get all dirty and eventually you find out that the pig likes it.

    Of course, that's just my opinion, I could be wrong!

  11. #11
    techinspector1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kitz View Post
    11. Characterized by a free movement of fluids in the body: a loose cough; loose bowels.
    Kitz, I think you have captured the spirit of these threads precisely.

  12. #12
    rspears's Avatar
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    I had previously utililzed the feature of the selective "ignore list", which replaces miles of text initiated by the ignored party with short, sweet empty space and a 'by line' so you know a post is present. Today my curiosity got the better of me and I turned that feature off. It's back on now, and will remain so from now on

    And to think I really liked Don Herbert back in the 50's....a very sharp guy that did really cool things on Saturday morning TV.
    Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.

  13. #13
    pat mccarthy's Avatar
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    i like real butter on my popcorn
    Last edited by pat mccarthy; 04-08-2010 at 03:56 PM.
    Irish Diplomacy ..the ability to tell someone to go to Hell ,,So that they will look forward to to the trip

  14. #14
    Bruce lee is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Boy---sometimes this forum makes me want to take back stuff I didn't steal.

  15. #15
    mrmustang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrWizard455 View Post
    on some of the threads i have commented on i have been met with quite a bit of animosity, insulting responses and the like. Like most anyone else i do not respond well to such childish antics, mainly because they are made by cowards who hide behind a PC and talk smack they haven't the ability to back ot even the nerve to try, during my days as an owner/operator trucker we called these folk radio rambos, folk who sell wolf tickets(bluff) in an effort to intimidate and silence those folk with whom they do not agree.
    I was given the impression by my friend Brent who started this forum that such BS wouldn't b a part of it; that folk would b required to give the respect that they expected.
    Seems a number of you have failed to do that, kinda like a lot of the idiot kidiots who inhabit the chats on-line trying to perpatrate as if they know, are and or have done things that they do not and have not.
    Respect is something, at least with me and anyone im associated with, that must b 1st given to b recieved, its not something u can demand or expect without payin the dues of givin it FIRST.
    Since a number of the folk on this forum don't seem to realize that, i suggest that whenever those folk see a post by me, they simply disregard same, or at least keep their childish insults and jabs to themselves. If not i will always as i have done thus far respond to those folk with the same BS they throw at me back in their face. That kind of crap is what in my vernacular is called playin the dozens, and i am better at THAT than any of u are likely to b if you live to b 200, and i was by the time i was a teen. That type of childish thing is not my aim, but it will always b my response to antagonism, name calling and general insults. The end game is that unless u like having ur cap twisted with ur own BS(getting embarrased and laughed at by ur peers) refrain from responding to anything i post with it.
    I love toys, lots of em and big boy toys at that, however i do not play, nor am i to b played with at any time in any manner by anyone. This isn't some new MO for me, its always been my MO. If i post something that i do no actually KNOW, i will preface or suffix same with that fact. OR simply ASK a question about the subject.
    However when it comes to car crafting, especially in terms of drag race oriented build of any make or model, foreign or domestic, i have a vast wealth of both experience as well as formal education. Tho i am predominantly a domestic GM BOP fan, i have had hot rods of bout every type and brand there is, bought built and raced em for myself as well as built and raced em for other folk. I have been drag racing, buying and building cars to drag race for myself and others since July 5 1963.
    I can take loosing, but like anyone else i do not LIKE to loose...that said, its only someone who doesn't race who doesn't loose. Your only option or hope is to win MORE than u LOOSE and to do that u must b as much aware of what ur racing against as u are about that which u race with, that way, as i have for the past 30+ years, u will win more than u loose and thats the best u can hope for. Toward that end i have engaged in countless hours of research and development as well as aquired a Mecjhanical Engineering degree in automotive applications from GMI(Now Kettering University)n jus for my own ediface to help me better craft rides and drag race combo's. I do not know it all and i doubt myself or anyone else ever will, not even about automotives but I DO know quite a bit more than the average car crafter especially when it comes to technicals, becaue i have not only a vast amount of experience but also a vast amount of formal education concerning same. With this im willing to help anyone, even a competitor, and with respect. Accept it or not, do so with respect and im quite easy to get along with, as well as i will respond to u in kind with the utmost respect, if not then i must respect that ur being DISrespectful and respond accordingly.
    I'm not a bad azz or a bully, never have been or wanted to b, but i respond to such tactics in a manner thats never going to b anything anyone wants to deal with, and whatever one wishes to do about said response, BRING IT, for real, don't sit back behind a PC and spit venom and sell wolf tickets u can't back up and won't even try. None of this applies to the lion's share of the participants on this forum, and all in all its a great forum, full of valuable crafting info, but like anything good, some choose to abuse the priveledge and this post is directed at those folk in particular. Others may overlook such childish antics and insults, i will not. Those of you to whom i refer can take that for whatever ya think its worth; my suggestion is that ya take it as a word to the wise. Thanx folk, have a blessed day.

    A major lack of respect to the forum and it's members when a moderator tells you to cool it and you post a rant like this. If you need a cooling off period, I can gladly arrange it. I have a very short fuse when it comes to adults acting like children.

    Post another thread like this one, and you'll earn that "time out".

    This thread is now CLOSED!!!!!!!!!!

    You want to rant further, take it to the PM's and leave the rest of the forum and it's members to on topic posts.......

    Bill S.
    Instead of being part of the problem, be part of a successful solution.

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