Thread: 350 Winnie 20' 1981 motor home
02-07-2011 04:27 PM #31
10 Grand is almost a deposit for a newer M/H the size I don't want.........
As it stands now the use of it is more important than the resale value.
I almost can't believe I just said that given my history of buying and selling race cars.
But with this,it is what it is.I have had this project on the back burner for awhile.Me not following threw is not a option.Good Bye
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02-07-2011 04:39 PM #32
Yeah Jerry we had a 28' 5th wheel with a crew cab single rear wheel Ford Power stroke.Never really felt like anything was back there and would climb hills without a down shift.It would give us 11mpg regularly.It also gave us a tranny code coming out of Ohio.Got home to Buffalo and IT also gave us a $2,800 tranny build for the repair.Yeah-that truck is much happier being owned by someone else now.Good Bye
02-07-2011 05:57 PM #33
just for my own info---did you have a chip or any mods on the Ford???if so, what??
02-07-2011 08:10 PM #34
Jerry,honestly,that was what,maybe 6yrs ago,so I don't recall,but do remember the fuel log.Been afew trucks/M/H's since.
We don't fall in love with anything there.It's a fatal flaw we have seen with guys on race cars and tow rigs marrying into something way beyond the resale value.Next good deal is always the push to the next rig.
This M/H is a venture of my own which I know is opposite of what we do.But it is my dime.........Last edited by 1gary; 02-07-2011 at 08:55 PM.
Good Bye
02-07-2011 09:08 PM #35
OK, I just want to remind you that you specificately asked, Pat,Jerry,Dave
02-07-2011 09:18 PM #36
02-08-2011 04:03 AM #37
02-09-2011 12:59 AM #38
Got tied up in another priority,but I am now back to this game plan.I asked to Pat,Jerry,Dave and then Richard mainly because with me they do know how to build the torque/hp side of this project.I have always respected the guys that knew how to build into a engine with obstacles efficiencies(the wind resistance/wt in this case) that gave great mpg too and was able to predict how that end result would be.
Not to repeat myself-but with the current set-up I get from 8 to 6 mpg.I am convinced that can and will be improved on.I am committed to this M/H.Even if it meant I had to weld like 5" pipe spacers on the body mounts to lift the body up for how long a 5.9 diesel engine/47 dodge tranny to help it fit.Before you laugh at that thought.I was done on a 1997 Safari van sub frame to help make room to swap a brand new crate 502 Ram-Jet engine,When it was done,it looked factory.You could say about that too,why??.Why put in a engine in a van like that??.One that isn't worth the costs of the van.One that was owned by a very good friend of mine that he spent about $30,000 on.Heck most of the rods here that same question could be applied.Why??.Right??.
Here is the ref thread on Peter's build is you have any doubts about the Safari build:
I am not in the mind frame to spend that kind of money on this.But I am also NOT a hack to haft ba.. a swap.I have never spent much time on rods asking myself why not.Most of the time I have spent asking my how to.I do think here I am surrounded by guys just like that and this thread is posted in the general engine section.
So guys I am hoping for that kind of support to help me get there.
I am just tell you all where my thinking is.That you are not dealing with a "poser".At 63 yrs old there has been a long list of rods(from a 1953 Chevy coupe Hemi to Henry J's to 55,57,Dodge Darts,1975 tube frame Monza,)and god knows how many race cars and well too many to list.At heart I am a die heart rodder taking a pc of coal turning it into a diamond in my eyes.Good Bye
02-09-2011 07:28 AM #39
tube frame Monza-----bet that would make a nice avator--see one anywhere?
02-09-2011 01:40 PM #40
That was yrs ago JERRY.No camera.But If I Knew Then That I Would Meet You To Have To Prove Ever Darn Thing I Say,I Would Have Taken Some Pixs.A Don Hardy Back Haft That Was Later Front Hafted.I Would Have Guess You Where Into A Peddle Car Back Then!!!.
I think it is setting in a guys garage with no engine.I built the frame and it has gone threw more cycles of wheel stands than most cars with no problems.
So could you(yea right)be a good guy and help out some??.
You going to the Dave&Ed show at Canton Ohio March 5th and 6th??I would be easy to pick out of a crowd.A old sort of fat sort of bald guy that if driving again has some more 4.0 lights left in him.See ya at the practice tree...........I am serving turkey for lunch.
Man,I amazed at the number of guys that say you can't do that.We have said OK and then it meant more for us.You can't buy/sell race cars when the market wasn't so soft.........OK..........OK more for can't use a oval track roller cam in a 9.90 car..........ok more money for can't keep changing cars like that.........ok more wins with money for us.You can't,you can't.......OK Jerry,Ok Jerry.............Good Bye
02-09-2011 02:56 PM #41
Gary look at my avator---then look in my gallery
And I haven't told you once that you couldn't do something
02-09-2011 04:01 PM #42
Gary, Jerry doesn't need defending by me by any means, but he's been down the track a few times in his career. He's a very knowledgeable (and experienced) fabricator. He's been to my shop, looked at my junk and didn't put the project down once. Even though the "Z" is my first attempt at building a car like this and I'm just learning as I go. (Read that as Jerry could have picked it apart but didn't). Any suggestions he might make come from a pretty good background in the fabricating/racing business.
BTW: Jerry, you owe me 5 bux now........J/K
"PLAN" your life like you will live to 120.
"LIVE" your life like you could die tomorrow.
John 3:16
02-09-2011 07:07 PM #43
02-09-2011 07:28 PM #44
whats a 4.0 thumb?
02-09-2011 07:39 PM #45
Stole from FB...
the Official CHR joke page duel