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Thread: Anti seize on spark plugs

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  1. #1
    Gusaroo's Avatar
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    Anti seize on spark plugs


    Slightly off topic, but related...
    I just did a simple sparkplug change on my wife's vehicle and now the car runs like crap off idle. Firing order is correct. My only guess is that I used NAPA copper anti-seize on the plugs, the heads were really grimy and I barely got the old plugs out, so I thought dab would be ok (plus its copper based). Could this stuff be messing with the grounding of the plugs?

  2. #2
    cffisher's Avatar
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    Yes if you got enough on them
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  3. #3
    TooMany2count's Avatar
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    I use electronic grease on plugs & as anti-seize...joe
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  4. #4
    rspears's Avatar
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    I always use a small dab of anti-sieze on plugs in aluminum heads. The anti-sieze has microscopic metal in suspension - there's no way it could prevent grounding between the plug and head. If you globbed it on and got it in the electrode area it might be grounding out your plug preventing spark.
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  5. #5
    cffisher's Avatar
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    [ If you globbed it on and got it in the electrode area it might be grounding out your plug preventing spark.[/QUOTE]

    Exactly I use it all the time my self as I said if you got enough on them it will short out the plug. If I'm wrong sorry.
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  6. #6
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    In recent years I've become a big fan of anti seize, not only on spark plugs but on every bolt on the car. (except where thread locker is prefered) However, you have to use it sparingly. On plugs I usually just use something like a plastic wire tie to paint it onto the threaded area only, because too much can ground out the electrode, I have been told.

    If the plugs were hard to remove from your wifes car you should use a spark plug thread chaser first to clean out any corrosion or carbon. If the threads aren't clean you could possibly break off a plug either putting one in or taking it out. Auto parts stores carry them and they usually have two thread sizes to accomodate most cars.

    Make sure you don't have another issue and you are thinking it is the anti seize, like a spark plug gap that is not right (NEVER trust the gap on plugs out of the box, they vary greatly from plug to plug and are sometimes closed altogether) You might have also put a plug wire back on the wrong plug............we've all done that at times.


  7. #7
    Gusaroo's Avatar
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    Thx for the great perspective on this...turns out it was a defective spark plug. I guess thats what I get for buying them at Walmart. Pisses me off that I had to check and re-check everything for something this stupid. But I guess I can be happy that it wasn't something I did. I thought for sure I was over zealous with the anti seize...

  8. #8
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    All the name brands we used to rely on years ago seem to have gotten very bad, qualitywise. I won't go near a Fram oil filter for any reason, and am not all that crazy about Champion and AC Delco spark plugs any more. I just pulled a set of Champions out of the engine in my 27 that had very few miles on them and replaced them with NGK's. I can't tell you how much better the engine runs. Stronger all the way thorugh the rpm range and off idle there is no stumble at all.

    Glad you found what was causing your problem.


  9. #9
    Gusaroo's Avatar
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    Autolite platinums...absolutely no spark coming from the tip. What a PITA.

  10. #10
    34_40's Avatar
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    My new preference for the past few years is Bosch.
    I can't believe anyone would run autolites more then once! Fram / Autolite = same company!

  11. #11
    randyr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Itoldyouso View Post
    All the name brands we used to rely on years ago seem to have gotten very bad, qualitywise. I won't go near a Fram oil filter for any reason, and am not all that crazy about Champion and AC Delco spark plugs any more. I just pulled a set of Champions out of the engine in my 27 that had very few miles on them and replaced them with NGK's. I can't tell you how much better the engine runs. Stronger all the way thorugh the rpm range and off idle there is no stumble at all.

    Glad you found what was causing your problem.

    Hey Don, what kind of NGK's did you go with? do you think the Iridium IX is worth the extra money? I'm considering them for a '66 352FE engine in my 66 F100.
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