Hi guys,
Thanks for all of the advice... This has been a good education, and we went out and really studied cam specs... Wow, that stuff is complicated. Here's what we've decided on so far:
Chevy Vortec 2.02/1.60 Heads
Comp XE262H Hydraulic Flat tappet cam

Next is choosing the intake and Carb for this setup. Any advice here? This is the next part of my education.
BTW, we have 10cc dished pistons and 0.030 over bore. So I think this puts us at about 9.8:1 compression ratio.
According to a calculator I found, the Dynamic Comp ratio is 8.3:1 which I'm told is pretty streetable for a 4 speed trans.
I learned that there is a Static compression ratio and a Dynamic Compression ratio... And they both matter... Who knew.
So, my next questions are:
1. Is a Dynamic Compression ratio of 8.3 pretty good, as far a a good comprimise between horsepower and streetability?
2. What CFM do we shoot for on the carb?
3. What intake manifold to use? how important is this?

Steve and Dustin