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Thread: crank pulley destroyer

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  1. #1
    JASONHOLLAND is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    crank pulley destroyer


    So I purchased a truck that has a 454 in it and shortly after I got it, it through the crank pulley off destroyed it. I chalked it up to the builder didn't tighten it down all the way as their was one bolt completely missing one that looked like it had been loose for a bit by the size of the hole and one that was broken off in the balancer pulley bolts to the balancer. So after much extensive searching I found a new pulley it has the two V grooves and then serpentine in front jot super easy to find put the brand new pulley on and it lasted until last night, when it shot off as well now checking it out this time all three bolts are still tight in to the balancer and each has a solid chunk of the pulley still under them just ripped through the steel pulley. Any one have some ideas as to what could be causing this? I am lost!

  2. #2
    firebird77clone's Avatar
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    Did it run smooth before it tossed its balancer?
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  3. #3
    JASONHOLLAND is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Never tossed the balancer pulley bolts to the balancer and yes was running fine

  4. #4
    rspears's Avatar
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    You say it has two v-grooves, plus a serpentine in front. How deep is the pulley, what are the different belts driving, and how are they tensioned? I assume the serpentine is kept tight via a spring loaded tensioning pulley? What about the belts in the v-grooves? It sounds like the pulley has been flexing with rotation and fatigued around the bolts, and too much belt tension would be a possibility, especially on a deep pulley - lots of lateral force pulling on the belts. Just thinking aloud - nothing else makes much sense.
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  5. #5
    JASONHOLLAND is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Their is only one belt installed for the whole thing that is the serpentine belt it runs water pump and alternator only no tensioner assembly just tighten belt with alternator leverage the v belt spots are empty more used for the offset at this point

  6. #6
    rspears's Avatar
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    So how did you "leverage" the alternator, that is, how did you adjust the belt tension?
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  7. #7
    jerry clayton's Avatar
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    Sounds like wrong parts---if the pulley hub did not bottom out on the front of the balancer, the pulley could of been destroyed by the bolts pulling the middle towards the balancer-------thus causing the center to break out as you have described---

    Also does it have a correct 454 counterweighted dampner??????????????/

  8. #8
    JASONHOLLAND is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Pulley was flush with the balancer and I replaced the balancer with new as well when I replaced the pulley

  9. #9
    jerry clayton's Avatar
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    I don't think you fully understand------first, is it a counter balanced 454 dampner???????? second, the pully must have material that extends and touches the balancer so that the bolts don't excert pressure causing a distorsion of the center of the pulley

    And-----the hub should be an interferance fit with the crank snout and be installed with an installation tool plus be properly torqued on to the crank---You CANNOT just slip the hub on and tighten it down or drive on with a hammer and piece of wood------

    Did you solve the oil pressure problem??????????
    Last edited by jerry clayton; 12-06-2012 at 08:35 PM.

  10. #10
    pat mccarthy's Avatar
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    pulley needs to center up on the I.D of damper step. the 3 bolts hold the pulley on .must be bbc they have a lip on pulley that insets in to the step in the damper . the center will rip out pulley must be for a bbc only sbc lower pulley will not work. if mark 6 454 that ex ternal damper is not the same as a older 454 external damper. hub on a mark 6 is shorter and weight is abit more i think its around 20 grams . like jerry said should have a good press more so with the external damper 454 if not they will shear keys then damper spins on crank
    Last edited by pat mccarthy; 12-07-2012 at 07:20 PM.
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  11. #11
    JASONHOLLAND is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    jerry yes the balancer was put on with an install tool, the crank pulley bolts to the balancer and did have a lip that sat inside the balancer I believe their were lips on the bolt holes to that sat in the balancer can't verify that now though

    and yes the oil pressure problem was the pickup tube had fallen off.

  12. #12
    jerry clayton's Avatar
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    if you have lost the oil pump pickup and braking front pulleys, you probably(in addition to other ) have a severe balance problem---does your flexplate(flywheel) have an external weight on it?????????

  13. #13
    cffisher's Avatar
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    The damper pullies I have seen that havea lip on the bach side of the bolt holes are the outer pully and the lips fit inside the larger opening in the first pully on. You could be missing a pully in the stack???
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  14. #14
    sfort's Avatar
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    When you found the new pulley what engine does it match up to? Do you have a part number? The PO made have made something work that does not.

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