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Thread: knowledge of chevy 307 ?

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  1. #1
    Cool Runnin's Avatar
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    knowledge of chevy 307 ?


    I bought an old tore apart 70 camaro that was supposed to have a 327 in it, well after running the #s it turned out to be a chevy 307 .

    I havent opened it up yet but believe it has had some work done to it.

    Any way has anyone got any experience with or opinions on chevy 307 and is it worth putting money in to.


  2. #2
    hambiskit is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Well.......the only complaint I have with mine is that it just doesn't have enough cubes for the power that I can get out of a 350.
    For the same money your going to put into that rebuild- I'd pick up a 350 short block, and a decent set of heads.
    Hang on to that crank, and heads.........they make great trading stock.

  3. #3
    gassersrule_196's Avatar
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    307 NO..283 YES..


    get a 283 ................scooter

  4. #4
    Oldf100fordman's Avatar
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    You know Gasser, I am a Ford man. But back in the late 70's early 80's I owned a Chevelle with a 307 and (in my earlier life many 283's) and I rather build a 307 than a 283 cause of the longer stroke. With the same basic modes the 307 puts out a lot more torque and about the same HP.
    Last edited by Oldf100fordman; 11-11-2004 at 11:43 PM.
    Duane S
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  5. #5
    gassersrule_196's Avatar
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  6. #6
    Mike P's Avatar
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    GEE Scooter.......your vast amount of personal HANDS-ON experience with 307s (or any engine) is based on....????

    What Oldf100fordman and hambiskit said is right on.

    The 307s were a good get around motor especially in something reasonably heavy. The long stroke makes for very good torque. They respond to all the hop-ups that any SBC responds to and as a rugged as the rest of the engine family. No they don't wind up like a 283, but put in a realatively heavy car with highway gears and tall tires and their no ball of fire either.

    Basically waht we really need to know is what Cool Runnin has in mind for the motor before any realistic suggestions can be made.

    Ahh but what do we know we've only actually build, owned and driven 307s

  7. #7
    Cool Runnin's Avatar
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    Thanks for replys
    To answer a question of what i have in mind is

    To start I have replaced the front and rear end well almost the front end is underneath waiting for final adjustments before I bolt it in.

    I do of course want HORSE POWER but along way to go until finish product and I figure i have the 307
    I could try to work out trade or sell and get 350

  8. #8
    WestsideHimself's Avatar
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    You might not wanna put some work into it, but we used to run dirt race cars. 355 cube rule and 512 lift rule. What we did with a motor at the beginning of a season was build a 331 stroker, the 350 crank dropped right in, only diff being the berrings. And I said 355 rule, well I could point out 5 guys running 400's, but track politics wouldn't DQ them . BUT After spending weeks in the tech lane after winning a few features or at least coming in the top 3 and being on top of points they were amazed at what the numbers were coming up as. I even got a cuber for free after they threw it away thinking it was wrong. You would be surprised what you can do with one. Wouldn't you rather beat a 350 saying it's only a 307.... a little more pride in that, I know I get bigger smiles from doing this then knowing I out match someones motors cubes.
    Did that screw just fall down into the motor?

  9. #9
    gassersrule_196's Avatar
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    i had a 307 biggest p.o.s ever so i HAVE built at least one.dont start pulling the age thing back out but there are ways u can build them i just dont prefer them so if i came on offensive that WAS NOT my intent .......scooter
    Last edited by gassersrule_196; 11-12-2004 at 08:31 AM.

  10. #10
    gassersrule_196's Avatar
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    you could always bore it .125 over and make a 327 ....scooter

  11. #11
    TRUCKGUY's Avatar
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    well they say you learn somthing new everyday.! so would it hurt to bore a 307 125 and make it a 327??? or would that be to thin???

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    dont have anything good to say/(type) dont say/(type) NOTHING AT ALL..........(figure out the rest)....

  12. #12
    drg84's Avatar
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    Originally posted by gassersrule_196
    i had a 307 biggest p.o.s ever so i HAVE built at least one.dont start pulling the age thing back out but there are ways u can build them i just dont prefer them so if i came on offensive that WAS NOT my intent .......scooter
    What year was your 307? Remember, there are two incarnations of the V8 307. The old school chebby 307 made from a 283 crank and a 327 block(right?) and the 80s 307 Olds. The Oldsmobile motor Does Not respond well to the traditional rules of SBC mods. You sure thats not the motor you had?
    Right engine, Wrong Wheels

  13. #13
    jramshu's Avatar
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    Had a 70 Chevy c10 with a 307ci. Ran like a bat outta hell and never had one problem.
    It ain't broke if you can fix it.

  14. #14
    randywrench's Avatar
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    I had a 71 camaro with a 307,added duel exhaust, cam , and a4bbl intake with a quadrajet,Run really strong!
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  15. #15
    gassersrule_196's Avatar
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    ok i screwed up my fault LOL it was a 305 yes i screwed up dont be to rough on me lol hey i forget things to ya know 17 is mighty old i feel like a geezer..........scooter p.s sorry for causing trouble lol

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