Attn DUBYA30
Congrats! You have really impressed me! You built olds before? Anyway, there are a few things that bother me about your setup. 1st of all, the T350 is not a good tranny for the 455. 500ft-lbs and small intake ports are not a good combo. I would reccomend the t400 or a race kit t350. It does make a difference, but in this car, the t400 is more cost efficent. As for the oil pan, i would reccomend the marine 455 oil pan. It should not interfere with the steering gear, and it should give you a 2 quart advantage. Or, you could do as I did. I extended the pipe down, angled it sideways and took it across the pan. This may seem like a lot of ork, but it does work and will keep a good oil flow. Just be sure to change you oil regularly. Hope it helps.