Well when reverse failed in tranny the car sat for about 3 days. Seeing that reverse was the only thing wrong with the car, i figured i would drive it to a buddies house to do the swap there (I live in an apartment complex and he has a garage) Anyway we go out to start it and no fire. The motor turned over with ease, and she acted like it was going to start. So we call a wrecker to get it to my friends house. We get the car there and before we were going to swap the tranny i wanted to get the motor running again. So i started running down the checklist

1. Spark - Weak spark so we replaced the coil
2. Control Module - Tested bad so replaced
3. Carb was rebuilt (POS Q-jet)

Still nothing, then we found that the distributor hold down was loose and the distributor was turning on its own. So that is fixed and the timing is good, but not sure because i cant get it running to put a light on it.

The only things i can think of that would go bad from a car just sitting for 3 days is either the coil, fuel pump, or ignition module. And all these have been checked or replaced.

I have never seen anything like this before.
Thanks in advance guys