The first attempt to relocate the wires didnt work as the engine would not run at any dist. position, just cracked and backfired. So, I reversed the application and backed the wires up one space counterclockwise from the position they were in originaly and got the engine running, although kind of rough, it was running. I can now get the initial timing (vacuum disconnected and plugged) to about 10deg. BTDC before it starts to stall. Also it doesnt want to take the vacuum advance, caused a stall, rough, choppy idle.

I had once adjusted valve lash, do I need to set those again now that the timing is close? It acts like a miss but checked all the wires and they seem fine. It seems to rev. without any problems, dont hear any detonation, smooths out above 1200rpm.

I thought maybe the vacuum canister was adjustable but it is a stock unit.

Havent driven yet. Still not real sure about the success of the adjustment .