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Thread: my car vibrates.. what should i do??

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  1. #1
    Ray 302 hi-po is offline Registered User Visit my Photo Gallery
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    my car vibrates.. what should i do??


    i recently put a pioneer balancer on it and it shakes worse than what i had which was the stock balancer. the shop recommended me to pull the engine out to check the whats wrong internally and fix and balance it..but could it be something like a drive shaft vibration..i decided to put a new balancer in cuz i felt vibration under my car when i hit 80 and up now with the new balancer it shakes when i press the pedal...so could it be something else that is making my car vibrate cuz to pull the engine out and check and fix it is goin to cost me..if there is any advice besides my engine internals let me kno...

    help me!!!

  2. #2
    madgrinder's Avatar
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    dumb question...


    Is your new balancer the proper one for your engine???

    Early sb Fords were balanced internally and lates externally.

    If you have a new vibe now, you may have the wrong balancer.
    Ensure that the path of least resistance is not you...

  3. #3
    Mike P's Avatar
    Mike P is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    As far as I recall all the Ford 221-260-289-302-351W were externally balanced. The 302 used a 28 oz imbalance up until about 81 at which time it went to a 50 oz imbalance.

    It sounds like you put the wrong balancer on as you now have a worse vibration.

    First, I would put the proper/original balancer on the engine. Check the size of the counter weight on the balancer you took off against the new balancer,they should be the same size. If not get the right one.

    Next figure out what RPM your running at 80 MPH. Put the car in park and rev the engine to that RPM. If you have a vibration, it is a problem in the engine/torquer converter/flywheel-clutch.

    If you don't have a vibration, it's either in the rest of the drive train, tires and wheels, or even resonance form the exhaust.
    I've NEVER seen a car come from the factory that couldn't be improved.....

  4. #4
    inlineidiot is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    stop using the railroad tracks as a road
    The cylinders have to be inline.!!!

  5. #5
    drg84's Avatar
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    Inline idiot, do you ever make a truely suggestive post? Anyway, what Transmissin do you have? The AOD (All Oddly Dead) Have a tendancy to shake if the TV cable is misadjusted. Try Backing it off by 1/4 of an inch. If there is a change in the shake, your clutch packs are not recieving the proper amount of fluid. Take it in 1/2 inch. If there is no true change, try changing the tranny fluid. Also, TransX may allow you to stop the shake
    Untill You Fix The Transmission. Dont leave it in too long, or it may induce hard shifting. Hope that helps.
    Right engine, Wrong Wheels

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