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Thread: Elementary Question

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  1. #1
    dhemi1's Avatar
    dhemi1 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Elementary Question


    Hey guys/gals.

    How do you know its time to change your jets in your carb instead of tuning your mixture? I assume you tune first then if that dosn't work then you change jets?

    I still havn't graduated to real men carbs yet lol.

    Carry On My Wayward Son

  2. #2
    Mike P's Avatar
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    I'm going to guess that by "tuning you mixture" your talking about the mixture screws on the front of the carb. These will only adjust the Idle mixture.

    Changes for anything off idle will have to be accomplished by jet and or step rod changes depending on the carb type. Also the rate that the enrichment circuits open can be tuned by power valve/step rod spring changes.

    The first step should be to determine if the carb is functioning properly, that there are no vacume leaks and no flooding over. This should be followed by insuring the iginition is also operating properly, (no fouled plugs or bad plug wires.

    Unless you have access to dyno and exhaust gas analyser the next best way to determine if the carb neds changes are reading the plugs. Check the net and you should be able to find some good references as to what lean/rich plugs look like.

    First you have to determine which RPM range
    I've NEVER seen a car come from the factory that couldn't be improved.....

  3. #3
    erik erikson's Avatar
    erik erikson is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by dhemi1
    Hey guys/gals.

    How do you know its time to change your jets in your carb instead of tuning your mixture? I assume you tune first then if that dosn't work then you change jets?

    I still havn't graduated to real men carbs yet lol.

    With today's gas it is very hard to "read plugs".
    What still works a little is make a hard pass for at least an 1/8 mile.
    Kill the engine and coast to the side and pull the plugs.
    Yes,you will burn the $hit out of your hands.
    You are trying to shoot for a carmel to tan color.
    If they are white than you have gone to far.
    I would try 4 sizes at a time to even see any color change.
    Just turn it one click back.

  4. #4
    dhemi1's Avatar
    dhemi1 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Oh okay. I see. I thought you had main metering adjustment screws aswell, like RC engines but those carbs don't have removable jets (molded into carb body), I see the point now. I really need to get a carburetor tuning book and Holley's tuning DVD

    Thanks alot guys,
    Appreciate it,

    Carry On My Wayward Son

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