Thread: wont start!
11-19-2007 07:59 PM #46
Denny thanksfor the input. I get frazzled after working all day and trying to get this truck going at night. My patience is nowhere where it should be and it helps to have a voice of reason to slow me down.
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11-20-2007 03:39 PM #47
Originally Posted by DennyW
Well the battery wouldn't take a down to the parts store I went. they tested it and replaced it under warranty. I ran a compression check on the good battery and got 160 psi. Much better! I replaced TPS and CTS for giggles and now I am going to go try again with good plugs and see what happens.
11-20-2007 05:09 PM #48
I have cranking pressure now but there is still something going on with the ignition. I tried a hit of either. I am getting backfire through the TBI. At some point a spark must be getting into the manifold while a valve is open? With 160 psi my valves should be timed firing order check?
11-20-2007 05:25 PM #49
Could be a vacuum leak too?
11-20-2007 05:58 PM #50
they are in order 1-8-4-3-6-5-7-2 clockwise. TDCC rotor pointing to #1 plug.
I pulled them all off and reinstalled them to make sure. Cylinders are once again flooded and I am lighting off pooled fuel in the exhaust. What gives?
11-20-2007 06:10 PM #51
I burned the plugs off until the fuel was gone and just a pure flame remained. I had my wife crank the motor while I put a timing light on it. I rolled the gun ahead to 15degrees advance and adjusted the distributor accordingly. I still do not get even a hit from any cylinder but the collector seems to light off just fine. Even with the TBI's unhooked
11-20-2007 06:32 PM #52
If you have compression, and fuel with a properly timed cam and spark it should light off. Are you by chance 180 out of phase?
11-20-2007 06:41 PM #53
out of phase?
Originally Posted by jerry clayton
11-20-2007 07:37 PM #54
well Denny I truly wish you could. I am taking a breather to regroup. here is a recap of where I am at this moment.
160 psi cranking compression- cam timing is enough for engine to run.
fresh battery
fresh plugs
new distributor, cap, rotor, coil as of Sunday AM.
Replaced CTS
Replaced TPS
Crank aligned with TDC and both valves closed (compression stroke)
rotor pointing to #1 terminal
wires 18436572
timing set to 12 BTDC (currently) using timing light while cranking and wire disconnected
getting spark while cranking
checked for trouble codes and found nothing.
11-20-2007 08:03 PM #55
move the wires 180
11-20-2007 08:05 PM #56
You don't have to move them all----just change 1 and 6---see if you get it to pop on those two cylinders
11-29-2007 05:20 PM #57
Well I figured out why it wouldn't start.......coolant leak into 5/7 and 2/4. It turns out that I used the wrong intake gasket which blocked off the passage at the end of the head. Fuel doesn't like to ignite if it polluted...........
Sensors were on the fritz due to a low amperage draw through the lighting circuit but I still have to locate it.
Lost a week of frustration but I have a lesson learned.
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