This is a show we will be putting on in spring. Please pass the word around.

Who: The Road Devils Car Club (Ohio Chapter)

What: A hot rod, custom, and motorcycle cruise-in and music show.

When: April 21, 2007. Cruise-in starts at 2pm, Music at 8:30pm

Where: Gary's Place
1333 Worthington Centre Dr.
Worthington, OH 43085

Shotgun Kelly (hard southern style rock)
Blatent Finger (punk)
Dixie Cannonball (country/rockabilly)

Other Info: The cruise-in is open to TRADITIONAL STYLE pre-1967 hot rods, customs, and stockers. TRADITIONAL 1920-1960's STYLE motorcycles welcome. (ie. if your 1980 HD is of a TRADITIONAL style, you are welcome. If you are unsure, it probably isn't) Spectators welcome, bring your friends. $5 at the door for the music. Outside concessions will be available during the cruise-in portion.

***There is NO rain date. It's going down no matter what. If you're scared of getting your car/bike wet, stay home. Everybody else will probably be happy you did.

Additional Resources:

Show page:
Club Page:

Questions? Contact: