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Thread: Atlanta Dragway: Cruise In, Drag, Show, Swap; MAY 10-11

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    All American 6's Avatar
    All American 6 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Nov 2006
    Birmingham, AL
    Car Year, Make, Model: 1934 Plymouth Coupe

    Atlanta Dragway: Cruise In, Drag, Show, Swap; MAY 10-11


    THE GEAR JAM - Racing

    Looks to be a good event for those in the Atlanta area.

    "Cruisin' Commerce, Friday, May 10th, 6-10pm" Live Music by Hot Rod Walt and the Psycho Devilles! Cruising in historic Downtown Commerce, VIP hot rod parking, Beer Garden, Food tents, and live music.

    Then drag, show and swap on Saturday May 11th.


    We know all you guys with vintage race cars have them for fun—and the “fun” is making heads-up passes!

    For some, that fun is simply the ability to share the staging lanes with like-minded individuals with period-correct cars reliving the heyday of drag racing, and making heads-up passes against a car that looks as era-correct as yours, rather than a late-model Bracket Camaro.

    For others, competing for some prize money is a lot more fun, and their cars are set on “kill” (or just shy of it) all the time. Some guys are happy running 12s or 13s, other’s aren’t happy unless they’re running deep in the 9s or faster.

    So to bring out as many cars as we can, from both sides of the ET, we’re going to offer purse money for the Quick 8 in each class; those racers who make “the program,” will run through three rounds of eliminations.

    For everyone else who came to have fun, we’ve got you covered with close, heads-up racing. Everyone after the Quick 8 will be paired-up against their closest competitor for individual 2-out-of-3 shootouts while the Quick 8 are running eliminations. This is a guide to give you someone to race competitively with—if you want to grudge-race someone, work it out amongst yourselves and have at it!

    This lets all our racers get a full day of racing in, and it gives our spectators a great, full all-day show.

    After the final eliminations, all class winners, and the two other cars with the quickest ET of the day, will do a round-robin 8-car heads-up elimination for Mr. Top Eliminator.

    Last edited by All American 6; 03-10-2013 at 04:11 PM.
    I DRIVE MY CAR!!! (to the trailer)

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