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Thread: Modern Flatheads

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  1. #1
    Twitch's Avatar
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    Mike I understand why you'd like to keep the flathead instead of becoming Joe Average with no imagination in sticking one more of a million crate motors in. Boring!!

    If you have a 6 cyl here's a rebuilt engine on Ebay. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/49-50...WDVWQQtcZphoto

    Here's a running condition V-8 but... http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1953-...WDVWQQtcZphoto

    And here's a built one! http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Ford-...WDVWQQtcZphoto

    For rebuilt kits go to www.kanter.com 239-255CID Ford/Merc V-8 from 48-53 run $1077 for basic to $1442 for a deluxe kit.

    Ain't got a Ford? They have 21 pages of overhaul/rebuilt kits in their catalog.
    There is no substitute for cubic inches

  2. #2
    chevy 37's Avatar
    chevy 37 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I don't know who told you that a flathead engine is an easy build because it isn't. You first have to find a good block and then have it magnaflux to see if the block is cracked.. I'm rebuilding a 53 merc block and believe me it's taken longer and more expensive than I'd first though it would be. I've worked with flatheads since 1958 and I love them and yes you can get a nice 250Hp engine built like thesals says, but it's going to cost you some big $$$$$
    Keep smiling, it only hurts when you think it does!

  3. #3
    Don Shillady's Avatar
    Don Shillady is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I love those old 59AB engines and the ad on EBay with a current bid of $560 looks tempting but on the one hand it is likely to be bid up near the end of the time limit and on the other hand it is definitely a gamble to put out $500-$1000 without pulling the heads to check for cracks. The problem is that many flatheads would run with a crack between a cylinder and a valve pocket with a tell tale of disappearing water. I optimistically bought three blocks and found cracks in all of them. You can build a SBC-350 for under $2000 and get 250 to 275 HP easily while you will have to spend a lot on a flathead (assuming you can find a good block) to even get 200 HP. Time moves on!

    Don Shillady
    Retired Scientist/teen rodder
    Last edited by Don Shillady; 04-07-2008 at 05:51 PM.

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