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Thread: roller or roller tip

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  1. #1
    jayman54's Avatar
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    Lightbulb roller or roller tip


    I've been considering running full roller or roller tip on my 350 and i was wondering what advantages u get from them over stock rockers

  2. #2
    viking's Avatar
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    less friction
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  3. #3
    76GMC1500 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I read a lot of things too. They may give 30hp over stamped rockers, but that 30hp may be at 9000 rpm where frictional losses are not even comperable to a stock engine. The huge cams required to turn those rpms will also greatly increase the frictional losses. So, you need to ask yourself, do I need these things for my application? When I build my engine I will probably use roller tip rockers because I will need to buy new rockers for the vortec heads anyways, but I see no reason to use full roller considering I'm going to use a california legal cam and redline it at 5000 plus or minus a few hundred.
    Last edited by 76GMC1500; 01-19-2004 at 11:49 PM.

  4. #4
    budlight is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    If your looking at strength and true rocker ratios in a performance H-flat cam Roller tips are all that is needed in sub 6500 rpm motors with realatively light spring pressures.

    Your not going to notice any difference when you install roller rockers. It's just a reliability issue with large springs and big cams.

    When ever you see claims about HP increases with any product be very skeptical.

    If I added up every power adder I have I should have nearly 1000 hp.

  5. #5
    vara4's Avatar
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    Full roller rockers are just less friction, Plain and simpal.You'll get more horse power,better pick up,and better fuel millage!Alot of people don't under stand that friction can slow down a engine's pick up or take off's! Less friction in any engine is always better in my book.This especialy counts in lower horse power engines,because they don't have the extra hp to give up to friction!!! Alot of people don't run screens in there oil pans, I do in all of the engines I build. And here's why, If you stand in a pool where the water is up to your chest, now put your arms over your head, then keeping your arms strait bring your arms down to your sides as fast as you can. Now when your arms hit the water they sting don't they,not only that but they where slowed way down in speed,RIGHT. Well that is what your crank is doing, ever time you take off from a stop light. The oil goes back and comes up, the crank swings around and smacks the oil the slow's the engines speed or pick up way down. Now this is why I use screens in my engines. The screen keeps the oil from comming up and hitting the crank,so it would be like you didn't have any water in your pool. Under stand. OH and guess what this is friction, a differant kind, but still friction. So less friction is allways better. More classes later.He!He!He!

    Last edited by vara4; 01-20-2004 at 08:51 AM.

  6. #6
    rattymodelA is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Re: I'd love to someday just..


    Originally posted by Streets
    IF I didn't know that I would get a whole lot of flak from the manufacturers on their products... someday I'd love to set up an engine and chassis dynomometer and test all the new products out on the aftermarket and post the readouts of all on the internet. I'd take a stock engine from the factory and test it to see just what HP is there and then change the rockers to roller tip(s) and test it again, and do the same with every other add on aftermarket component and see IF what they claim is in reality, the truth at all.. But, it would all be for nil as the diehard people that believe everything they read as the gospel truth wouldn't believe it anyway, pass it on as real, and just piss and moan like they do now when it doesn't meet their specific wants and needs.....

    Have ya ever read the "troubleshooting" terms of the BG carbs? After you buy all the extra jets, gaskets and what-not to tune your new carbs, spend a small fortune on extra parts you can't return or ever use again, they tell you to call a toll "tech line" and they will go from there to help you get it tuned right....
    Gawd, I love my Predator's.....
    I agree when I was first starting in cars I was about 12 or 13 and read about carbs intakes cams rockers power pulleys, I was on a power trip that all you needed was bolt on and go power. My first engines teacher said don't believe any of it, he said you add up all the claimed hp they say each part gives and come up with an unobtainablel number, if each part is not designed to compliment the other or right for the application those numbers mean nuthing. In some cases the part would work against you. I think full roller rocker are great they actually keep the motor cool with less friction and take great amounts of wear and tear on the valve tip, stem and guides I would go for them if the budget allows.
    like a volvo with gun racks.....
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  7. #7
    71nova's Avatar
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    Comp pro magnum roller rockers, the best 280 dollars i ever spent and will never regret it, i suggest you do the same.

  8. #8
    stepside454's Avatar
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    Ive never run full roller rockers on the street. I know alot of people who do with no problems, but I also have heard of the aluminum rockers breaking due to the aluminum becoming work hardened over time. Anyone ever experiance this. I like the idea of the stainless full roller from Comp cams. John
    75 GMC C-15 factory 454, automatic, lowered

  9. #9
    drg84's Avatar
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    I personally run stamped on mine, but I always wanted to convert over to roller tip. Doesnt edelbrock make a roller tip set?
    Right engine, Wrong Wheels

  10. #10
    stepside454's Avatar
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    Comp Cams & Crane are only 2 name brands of roller tip that I know of. Proform, Scat, Summit all have theres, but I wouldnt have em. Ive used Comp cams roller tips numerous times & was pleased. John
    75 GMC C-15 factory 454, automatic, lowered

  11. #11
    jayman54's Avatar
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    Will they bolt right on to the factory head and stud with out mods..

  12. #12
    rattymodelA is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Re: Re: Re: I'd love to someday just..


    Originally posted by Streets
    I have carbide tips on all my valves.. they wear real good.. But, I have the time to modify each one and the shop and equipment to do it...
    funny sorry streets...I type bad...its take wear and tear OFF the valve tips, stems and guides. I would tin coat the tips of the valve and put a carbide roller on the end but I don't have means or the patience to machine it all, it would just be easier to elimanate the cam pushrods and rocker arms all together and go with solinoid operated valves no friction or hp loss and could be variable timed with flick of a key in the cam profile mapping program.

    jayman54 i am pretty sure they do a buddy of mine with an 86 monte with a 305 just bolted these on and went they sell them in summit says it right in the ad they are a bolt on no guild plates etc he did three years ago no complaints since drives it everyday...http://www.cranecams.com/master/rockers.htm
    like a volvo with gun racks.....
    dropin f-bombs whenever needed....fcc my
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  13. #13
    vara4's Avatar
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    Hey has anyone seen that new cam they have been working on? Seem's the lobes are angled and cam slides back and fourth depending on the rpm's. This is to give the cam a more broad power range. I heard ferrari is doing this with there cams!!!


  14. #14
    vara4's Avatar
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    Street;I know what your talking about, but I'm talking about something a little different, they actually want this cam to slide back and forth, they don't try to stop because this is giving them a broader power band. If you go to how stuff works which is a website this is where I've seen it. And Ferrari is just one of the car manufacturers that have been expierementing with this new style of cam shaft. I thought it was wierd too but, its something I've never seen before. You might want to check into it a little bit deeper, I'm not up on all this new stuff, but this cam they definatley want it to slide back and forth. Please let me know what you think, I'd like your opion on it. thanks

    Last edited by vara4; 01-22-2004 at 07:56 PM.

  15. #15
    viking's Avatar
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    Originally posted by stepside454
    Comp Cams & Crane are only 2 name brands of roller tip that I know of. Proform, Scat, Summit all have theres, but I wouldnt have em. Ive used Comp cams roller tips numerous times & was pleased. John
    The summit brand are crane items, if you wonder who makes any summit product just ask your sales rep, they can tell ya on the phone, just can't print it....oh yeah, I have these on a sbc with over 40k miles on them, still like new.
    Last edited by viking; 01-22-2004 at 10:55 PM.
    Objects in the mirror are losing

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