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Thread: 429 year info please?

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  1. #1
    Sonovavitch's Avatar
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    429 year info please?


    I have come into a rebuilt 429, balanced & blueprinted, but I have no idea what year it is. The block casting is C9VE B and there are little stampings of pu15w.
    Also, the spec sheet says .60 overbore. Am I gonna burn it up?
    In the deal I also got a C-6 and besides the oval logo, all I find are a 66 6. Is that the year & model?


  2. #2
    Sonovavitch's Avatar
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    Many Thanks!


    Thanks for the info!
    Merry, Merry!

  3. #3
    Sonovavitch's Avatar
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    If I read this right.....


    Am I getting this right?
    I have a 1969 429 out of a lincoln (C9VE-B) with 68 lincoln heads (C8VE-E)
    How do I tell the tranny?

  4. #4
    Sonovavitch's Avatar
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    Thanks, Again.
    Is the .60 over bore going to hurt the older block?
    My experience is limited to what I did as a kid, and I don't remember much of that.

    Someone said I should use a high volume water pump on it.
    I plan on putting it in my Ranchero and rebuilding the 351C that is in there now for a rat rod someday.
    Thanks, yet again.

  5. #5
    vara4's Avatar
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    Sonovavitch; Check this site out for trany ID's


    Hope this will help.

    ~ Vegas ~

  6. #6
    Sonovavitch's Avatar
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    Great People!


    I really appreciate all of the help! You people are the best. I've been on this project for a while now and found more info from you all tonight than I had from all my other sources in months!
    I'm still looking into pulleys and all of the accessories. I found an overdrive and underdrive pulley set, but I'm not sure which I need, HP or water flow.
    I'm sure glad to hear the .60 over won't hurt the motor. Some people had told me I was in for a hot time with it. The nay sayers lose! You know how it is. Someone hears what you have and denounces it as troublesome.
    Any ideas for getting all of the accessories and brackets?
    Would the 351C stuff work on

    Thank you all very much, and Happy Holidays.

  7. #7
    vara4's Avatar
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    No the cleveland stuff won't fit, get the stuff off of a 460 the 429's big brother.

    ~ Vegas ~

  8. #8
    Sonovavitch's Avatar
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    Many more thanks to come


    I found your information extremely helpful. At least I have part of engine compartment cooling handled. I have 166 functional louvers in the hood.
    When the opportunity arises I'm going parts hunting for a Linclon.
    I've ordered the rebuild kit for the tranny and new torque coonvertor.
    It looks like I need a front sump pan on the BB, That will be my next step to getting it ready. Found Hooker headers that will fit, but are a bit pricey, so I'll look around a bit.
    Thanks for all your assistance.
    Last edited by Sonovavitch; 12-27-2004 at 01:56 PM.
    "Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes."
    (If you can read this, you're overeducated.)

  9. #9
    Paul Kane's Avatar
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    Re: 429 year info please?


    Originally posted by Sonovavitch

    I have come into a rebuilt 429, balanced & blueprinted, but I have no idea what year it is. The block casting is C9VE B and there are little stampings of pu15w.
    Also, the spec sheet says .60 overbore. Am I gonna burn it up?
    In the deal I also got a C-6 and besides the oval logo, all I find are a 66 6. Is that the year & model?

    You have what is likel;y a 1969 429 Thunderjet engine, if it came with a 4-bbl carb. They were rated at somewhere around 360HP. It's a fantastic performance candidate engine as it has great heads for big HP.


  10. #10
    Paul Kane's Avatar
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    Re: If I read this right.....


    Originally posted by Sonovavitch
    Am I getting this right?
    I have a 1969 429 out of a lincoln (C9VE-B) with 68 lincoln heads (C8VE-E)
    How do I tell the tranny?
    FYI, tting numbrs to which you are referring are not actual casting dates but are actually engineering revisions that specify the year revision of the castings In you case, it is 95% likely that your block was made in 1969 and your heads in 1968, but not absolute. Never-the-less, the numbers you provided tell the stroy. Great parts.


  11. #11
    Paul Kane's Avatar
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    Originally posted by techinspector1
    Hold on to those heads, they are the 2nd best heads Ford ever cast for the 429/460 motors. D0VE-C's were the best and the C8VE-E's will run right with them.
    The D0VE cylinder head is my LAST choice in the early-style heads. In my opinion, the C8VE head is a better head to start with in many cases. Why? First of all, let me just say that the C8VE, C9VE and D0VE castings are damn near identical to one another and--once ported--are completely interchangable. They are so identical, in fact, that you may run a C8VE head on one cylinder bank and a D0VE on the other bank if you wish...they are that much alike.

    So why do I like the C8VE and C9VE heads over the D0VE's? Answer: Here in California, D0VE's are drilled for smog pumps (Thermactor) and this adds to the porting effort (plugging these drilled passages). C8VE & C9VE heads were not drilled from the factory and so porting is easier AND you can get more aggressive in some areas of the port when grinding, as you do not risk breaking into these drilled air pump passages.

    To summarize, the port architecture, valve sizes, combustion chamber size and shape, etcetera, are identical on all three castings...but the D0VE may have passages drilled for the air pump. Always look for this before you buy a pair of D0VEs.

    Last edited by Paul Kane; 01-15-2005 at 02:23 PM.

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