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Thread: How long is a 71 460 car oil dipstick blade?

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  1. #1
    71LincolnCoupe's Avatar
    71LincolnCoupe is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Car Year, Make, Model: 1971 Lincoln Continental Coupe

    How long is a 71 460 car oil dipstick blade?


    I'm just curious, because I need one. I am going to get one from a boneyard, but I want to be able to measure the dipstick blade to make sure I get the right one. Is there a difference between a truck 460, and a car 460? This dispstick will be for a 71 Lincoln. Thank you for any help.

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  2. #2
    Paul Kane's Avatar
    Paul Kane is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    460 Dipsticks were located in two places: The front timing cover and the oil pan. I assume your dipstick currently resides in the front timing cover at the front of the engine. When you go to a junk yard, find a motor that has the dipstick in the same location as yours and also has the same pan as your engine. This should be the correct dipstick.

    If you are at all uncertain about the dipstick, then all you have to do is change your oil and filter. Add the new quantity of oil per the manufacturer's recommendation, and then dip in the new dipstick and note where the oil level is. Scribe this oil level on your dipstick. If you obviously have a dipstick that is too long (say, six inches dipped into oil beyond the "Full" level that you just marked), then simply trim it down.


  3. #3
    71LincolnCoupe's Avatar
    71LincolnCoupe is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Aug 2004
    Car Year, Make, Model: 1971 Lincoln Continental Coupe

    Thank you Paul, I appreciate the help.

    Please look below for more about my car...


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