Thread: 351M/400 help
03-01-2008 07:04 PM #1
351M/400 help
not sure if it is ok to ask this here, but here it goes. i have a 400 BBF that has good spark (checked at the plug it is good and hot) but this thing will not get fuel to the plugs. i had it running in the truck it came out of 2 weeks before i pulled it out for another truck. now it is givving me a heck of a time. anyone got any ideas. the carb is getting lot of fuel, but the plugs are still dry when i pull them. so i took the carb of and the intake had gas sitting in it. i am puzzled.
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03-01-2008 10:57 PM #2
Pull the cap off the distributor . Crank the engine over and watch to see if the rotor is turning . If it is not turning . You need a Timing chain and gears . I had a 400M do that . If the valves don't open . The Gas can't get in !
03-02-2008 12:22 AM #3
Could you have disturbed the firing order or timing when you made the switchover? If the engine is firing when it shouldn't you might get the symptoms you are describing. Did it seem to backfire out the carb at all?
03-02-2008 05:26 AM #4
If it was running two weeks ago, its gotta be something you did. like ITYS sez, timing, did you pull the dist. and put it back wrong? Wires on wrong? We need more info!
03-03-2008 03:54 PM #5
did not remove the distrib. or wires. rotor still turns. and all plugs getting fire, not backfire. no gas even reaching the plugs. could the cam be broke?.
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