Thread: 69 t-bird with a 429
09-13-2008 10:13 PM #1
69 t-bird with a 429
Found this t-bird in the salvage yard. looks like someone has rebuilt the engine. new paint, new gaskets where they belong, clean inside the valve covers, looks like it has been rebuilt.
The yard want $600 for the whole car. engine transmission and everything.
good deal, ok deal or steer clear of it?
Reason I am looking at the engine.... I want to put it into a 57 ford PU short bed..
any one know how much trouble I am going to have with the exhast manifolds and how much trouble I am going to have sticking it in the truck.
I did see a motor mounts and a transmission mounts for a 429 engine and auto tranny in MAC's ford catolog for the 57 that would ease the mounting problems but I was wondering where the exhasut would end up going......
got any suggestions
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09-13-2008 11:47 PM #2
walt I'm doing the same thing in a 48 f1 ford truck. Sanderson makes a set of headers that fit the 429 in a f1 setup. Classic Performance product makes a lot of hot rod stuff for this conversion too. Ford truck enthusiast has been a huge help too. Lastly No limit engineering also can help.
check out my thread project special k for my slow curve learning and doing the conversion for my truck." "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.
09-14-2008 12:56 AM #3
I suspect the heads alone would fetch $250.PLANET EARTH, INSANE ASYLUM FOR THE UNIVERSE.
09-14-2008 01:42 AM #4
600 Isn't a whole lot more than current scrap value... Not too many high compression 429s around any more.
09-14-2008 10:38 PM #5
We have a 429 in a 51' F1 and the sanderson headers were fine on it till we put in power steering, new steering box required custom on that side. I think it was about 100 bucks extra to have them do up a custom set, so no worries either way on exhaust man, sanderson can take care of it.
09-16-2008 06:19 PM #6
Originally Posted by waltharper
There will always be somebody that will tell you that they found a better deal than the one you are looking at, but that means nothing. The fact is that when you add up the cost of all the pulleys, brackets, ten-million-bolts-hardware, timing cover, this, that, etc, in addition to the usual, then you will quickly see that $600 for the entire car is a gift. Anyone who has every purchased a block and heads for the purposes of building a complete engine knows very well what I am talking about: all the additional miscellansous parts that you need will tend to nickel & dime you to death.
Cylinder heads should be C9VE-A and the block should be a C9VE-B.
Assuming that's the case, get the car.
429/460 Engine Fanatic
Necessity is the mother of invention! Nice work, as usual!
55 Wagon Progress