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  • 1 Post By Kiwi37
  • 1 Post By Kiwi37

Thread: 1970 429 build

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  1. #1
    James M is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    1970 429 build


    Have a 1970 429 d0ve A heads an block. Needs to b bored 30 over. What can I do to get more hp an torque?

  2. #2
    Kiwi37 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Car Year, Make, Model: 37 Ford Coupe

    Mild cam - no more than 272 degrees
    Free-flowing intake (Torker2 etc)
    Advance cam timing by 4 degrees
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  3. #3
    rspears's Avatar
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    Welcome to CHR, James! It depends on what you're wanting with your engine. Since you're boring it 0.030" are you planning on leaving everything close to original, or pulling out the stops and building for performance? Like Tom says, if you're just wanting to tweak it a bit then he's given you some ideas. If you want more then some of the guys here can start talking about your "stack" to get to the right squish, what pistons work well, and your static compression to make the cam selection that you'll want. One of the biggest questions is what heads you plan to run, as that will affect the maximum SCR you'll want for running pump gas.
    Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.

  4. #4
    James M is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Happy Thanksgiving an thanks for the reply. What would b the estimated hp an torque if I do this?

  5. #5
    James M is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Happy Thanksgiving! Thanks for the reply. Yes, I'm trying to keep it close to orginal. But wanting 450 or 500 hp an more torque. I don't mine running 93 octane. I have a 460 that will only run on 93 with octane booster.

  6. #6
    jerry clayton's Avatar
    jerry clayton is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Close to original---------you can get a 460 crankshaft-------custom pistons built for a chev wrist pin and have your rod small ends bushed to the chev size--performance valve job with smoothing of the area just under the valve head and leading to the guide area---------those heads (1970) were still the high compression era so a lite dusting on a surface grinder to refresh the gasket surface-------deck the block square and equal----alighn hone mains----balance-------intake manifold for the rpm range you want to run (not an extreme type for 8000 Rs) early timing gear set because a couple years later they retarded the cam 8 degrees---ignition /distributor---if you run the 1970 points system ford dist you can put in a 10 degree advance plate and convert to dual points wired separately thru a toggle switch for a cheap advance/retard system---plan on at least an 850-950 double pumper carb---------

    If you can find some extra funds there are aluminam heads and stroker cranks out there but a stroker and alum heads will add 4-4500 to cost----------

  7. #7
    James M is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Yea didn't want to go that extreme,Jerry. But wanted to use same heads. Just wonder what hp an torque would b on kiwi37 would b?

  8. #8
    Kiwi37 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Car Year, Make, Model: 37 Ford Coupe

    Quote Originally Posted by James M View Post
    Yea didn't want to go that extreme,Jerry. But wanted to use same heads. Just wonder what hp an torque would b on kiwi37 would b?
    Never had my 429 in my F100 on the dyno but it pulls like a bus load of schoolboys and with 2.75 gears in the rear and through the mufflers it does 13.9 quarter miles, 'experts' tell me with steeper gears in the rear and a set of slicks it would easily be into the 12 second area, who knows???.

    I have to say the Isky 272 cam is as hot a cam as I would want to run with a stock torque convertor.
    lamin8r likes this.
    '55 F100 hot-rod (owned 40 years)
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