Thread: 429 thunderjet???? HELP!!
09-24-2004 03:13 PM #1
429 thunderjet???? HELP!!
First off Hello. I am new guy here. I have a ? on a 1968 429 thunderjet. I have the engine at a local engine builder who I am having assemble the entire engine. I got a call today from him and he is looking for the water pump block off plate.I looked all over for it and can't find it. I was careful not to misplace any parts when taking the engine apart. He said some engines did not have this plate but he was not sure what ones did or did not have it. So anyone know if the 68 429 thunderjet had one?? I think there were diffrent timing covers, mine has the dipstick going through the cover.
Also I have the ford racing stock chrome oil pan a melling m-84 oil pumd with the press in pickup. Trouble the pickup hits the pan leaving a gap approx 1" between the pan and blockanyone ever have this trouble????
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09-25-2004 05:23 AM #2
Reposition the pickup on the pump, might have to modify the tube a bit to get the proper clearance to the bottom of the pan, just be sure not to get any kinks in the tube. Not unusual at all. Sorry I can't be of help on the plate, Check an old Chilton book, or dig in the archives at your local Ford shop.??Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, Live for Today!
Carroll Shelby
Learning must be difficult for those who already know it all!!!!
09-25-2004 07:59 PM #3
try here if no one can help you with your question they have a lot of ford tec online to help my 70 429 had one but you know ford they change every yearLast edited by john gemmer; 09-25-2004 at 08:02 PM.
drive it like ya stole it
11-15-2004 03:14 AM #4
your engine
Your engine and all Ford big blocks has a thin metal plate that is installed between the water pump and timing chain assembly.Its called timing chain cover.its an important part part. Without it all your oil and coolant will mix. If you were carefull with your parts,and yours is missing,i would hve to say it wasnt removed from the water pump.Check the pump im sure youll find it stuck on there.Its about an 1/8 inch thick, flat,and has an offset to acomidate the waterpump also has all the holes for all the mounting bolts of the pump.If its still missing well then someone took it.There is a reqtangle hole that allows water to pass from the pump through the plate through the timing housing and into the block.At this location on the plate there is a problem with rust and there is not much metal there.Its common to have to replace the plate because of this.Your engine builder worries me.Some engines have this plate and some dont. If he infact said that to you,well he doesnt know much about Fords.Only the big blocks had this plate.The small blocks did not. For example,the 351 does not have this plate.The 351 is a small block.But because the 351 is such a large engine, your builder is not thinking small block / big block. Hes just thinking "Ford engine". And telling you some do and some dont,when the fact is ,he dont know. There are a lot of small details that are very important when rebuliding Ford engines.Dont let him continue,esspessily if your bumping things up in your motor. Take your engine to a builder that knows Ford engines, and not your buddy who thinks he knows. if you dont it will cost you,,,i promise you. good luck,Mike
03-12-2005 09:03 PM #5
Like Mike said, mine also has a plate
03-13-2005 07:30 PM #6
my plate has a square hole on each side, inlet and outlet
04-19-2005 04:10 AM #7
The water pump backing plate is part number C8SZ 8508 A and is available at your local ford dealership for about 25 bucks. I bought a couple in the last year.
Many of the long tube cast headers I've run across had a relief ground on the back side for starter bolt clearance. I just trimmed the bolt on mine. On these new shorty's, they eliminated the...
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