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Thread: Just picked up

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  1. #1
    34_40's Avatar
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    Just picked up


    Check out what I just found and picked up;


    Not sure what I'll do with them yet, but couldn't pass'em by.

  2. #2
    mrmustang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 34_40 View Post
    Check out what I just found and picked up;


    Not sure what I'll do with them yet, but couldn't pass'em by.
    You will most likely find one that is reverse rotation. Get the casting numbers off the engine block, heads, and intake and post them here.

    Bill S.

    PS: Could be a nice find depending on what the internals look like.
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  3. #3
    34_40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrmustang View Post
    You will most likely find one that is reverse rotation. Get the casting numbers off the engine block, heads, and intake and post them here.

    Bill S.

    PS: Could be a nice find depending on what the internals look like.
    I had anticipated at least one but I'm thinking both to be reversed rotation. I should pick'em up tonite! The owner scrapped the boat after it sitting for 20 something years! There's no water in the bases and there was oil on the dipstick. They are "stuck" as the ad says but they look good on the outside.

  4. #4
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    Coincidently my Son Don and I were just talking about these 427 marine engines in Chris Crafts a couple nights ago. He is on Chris Craft forums and says some of these 427's were crossbolted Nascar type engines. Not saying yours is, but that would be easy enough to find out.

    Even the reverse rotation engine is good because most of the engine doesn't care which way it spins, just the cam and stuff like starter. Pistons may be turned around backwards on the rods too.

    GRAB EM!!!!!!


  5. #5
    pat mccarthy's Avatar
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    if reverse rotation the block .heads,rods,will work the crank may not some of the cranks have \\\\\\\ around the rear seal if there ///////// it could rope oil out of the seal and out of the block this could be fix by welding the seal and grinding it or another crank if it has no hash marks then your ok
    Irish Diplomacy ..the ability to tell someone to go to Hell ,,So that they will look forward to to the trip

  6. #6
    34_40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Itoldyouso View Post
    Coincidently my Son Don and I were just talking about these 427 marine engines in Chris Crafts a couple nights ago. He is on Chris Craft forums and says some of these 427's were crossbolted Nascar type engines. Not saying yours is, but that would be easy enough to find out.

    Even the reverse rotation engine is good because most of the engine doesn't care which way it spins, just the cam and stuff like starter. Pistons may be turned around backwards on the rods too.

    GRAB EM!!!!!!

    First thing I looked for! Yes, they are cross bolted! And Pat is correct about the hash marks on the cranks. I did "Grab'em" and got them to the shop. I will have to wait to inspect them over the weekend tho... I's appreciate the address for the chris craft website that had the forum...
    Last edited by 34_40; 10-01-2009 at 06:15 PM. Reason: additional

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