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  • 1 Post By jerry clayton

Thread: Ford FE 390 engine temperature

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  1. #1
    mdalzell's Avatar
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    Ford FE 390 engine temperature


    Hi all - I have a 66 Tbird that I just got running after many years in a field. I'm slowly getting it back in running shape and I had a question about temperature. I took it out for it's longest trip yesterday for about 30 minutes and got it good and hot. When I got back I checked the engine temp with a laser thermometer and the intake manifold was about 190F but the cylinder heads were about 380F and there were some wisps of smoke coming out of the oil filler. It seems like this is way too hot - is it? I have a new water pump coming for it this weekend and just got an oil change last week. Temperature sensor or gauge is currently dead so that why I was using the laser. It runs pretty smoothly otherwise and didn't seem to mind the heat...


  2. #2
    jerry clayton's Avatar
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    On an Ford FE engine most of the exposed head is all exhaust ports with no cooling around them so the higher temp you see there is insignificant?

    the intake manifold near the front should pretty much be the same as coolant temp---------Does it have an expansion tank off the themo housing?????? check the water temp in it--
    rspears likes this.

  3. #3
    34_40's Avatar
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    If the temp at the top hose is 190, I'd say that's just about perfect. As Jerry said, measuring the head can be deceiving.

  4. #4
    mdalzell's Avatar
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    Okay thanks... I was worried something was clogged up but it runs fine otherwise. I'll check the coolant temperature next time I take it out just to be sure.

  5. #5
    34_40's Avatar
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    If it has been sitting for a few years.. a cooling system flush would be in order anyway. The coolant does deteriorate.

  6. #6
    mdalzell's Avatar
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    Finally got around to swapping out the water pump... took the old one out and spun it and it sounded like a coffee grinder full of rocks... so there's my problem. New one installed and some fresh coolant. Took it out for a long drive and when I got back I opened the hood and could put my hand right on the overflow tank.. might have been 110F.


  7. #7
    Kiwi37 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I've a '66 -bird too and done soem checking with a laser thermometer.

    If I pointed it near the exhaust-port the temp was up there but can't remember the figure.
    At the intake near the thermostat housing it was around the 180 - 190 mark.

    Of course you live in a hotter climate!

    Oh, and the wisps of smoke? might just be an indication that the rings weren't 100% but I've seen plenty of motors with a 'wisp' wafting out of the breather that still ran OK for quite some time.

    What is it like with the oil-filler removed, lots of smoke?

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