Thread: 302EFI fuel preessure
04-14-2005 09:05 PM #1
302EFI fuel preessure
simple question will a injected 302 run on a 43psi in tank fuel pump or does it require 50psi? basicly i am installing a 302efi in my 79 F-100 and my tank is bad. So i am planning to use the tank out of a part escort i have from a different project and am hoping that i can use the fuel pump in the tank rather than havint to pay 100 for a line fuel pump i also have the fuel pump that was with the motor which came out of a 89 towncar but havn't check to see if it will drop into a escort tank i am hoping someone can help me out on this.
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04-14-2005 10:26 PM #2
A few things. 1)Yes the 302 will run on 43 psi. 2)The fuel pump from the town car will bolt into the tank from the escort. Ford used essentially the same fuel pump for all vehicles. However, you wont get an accurate fuel reading. My advice would be to use the tank from the town car and save yourself a hassle. Or better yet, buy a fuel pump for a newer f-150 and place it in your trucks current tank. Finally, clean the tank your installing and PAINT IT. Will save on lots of rust in the long haul. Hope this Helps.Right engine, Wrong Wheels
04-15-2005 05:35 AM #3
i can't use the tank that was in the truck as it has a hole in it and a few rust spots.
right now spo that i am able to get around i am using the tank form the town car but it is setting in the bed as it won't fit the tank well underneath the truck. and as for the guage being accurate I am not worried about that as it hasn't been accurate in about 4 years.
04-15-2005 11:47 AM #4
tanks for the info I have started calling around okking for a new tank this morning no luck yeat
04-16-2005 12:15 AM #5
if you got some major balls, you could always weld shut the hole in the tank... be warned that i take no liability to any serious injury or death caused by such an act
04-16-2005 05:39 PM #6
well I have no plans on trying to weld a used tank. LOL
I do have a simple question for you guys i had the engine running. It idled a little rough but nothing major not today it won't stay running, unless i continuly rev the motor. also i have tryed a code reader ont he computer and the computer won't code is it possible that it fryed the EUC? or if that was not working would it even start?
04-17-2005 12:44 AM #7
if the ECU wasn't working, the engine would not run at all.... you may have missed some wires or something tho... or maybe have a bad sensor, or your timing could be off or a million other things
04-17-2005 06:13 AM #8
would the timing off or a bad sensor casue the ecu not to send code pulses or would that be a missed wire?
04-17-2005 07:16 PM #9
thats more than likely a missed wire or a wire not pinned in correctly, or the code light on the ECU might be broken... it has the LEDs that flash a code right? if so they could be burnt out... in that case you can try replacing the LEDs, or as a last resort buy a new ECU, but they dont run cheap... even in the junkyards
04-17-2005 08:20 PM #10
Originally posted by thesals
thats more than likely a missed wire or a wire not pinned in correctly, or the code light on the ECU might be broken... it has the LEDs that flash a code right? if so they could be burnt out... in that case you can try replacing the LEDs, or as a last resort buy a new ECU, but they dont run cheap... even in the junkyards
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