see http://www.painlessperformance.com/catalogframe.htm
and look around their site. It ain't that hard, it is done all teh time.
If you have the donor car, it is pretty easy. If you don't then you add in the step of figuring out what is MISSING and go from there.

What year is the donor engine/EFI?

the concept is pretty simple, and you can acually MAKE a EFI setup from a home brew computer and boneyard parts for about $300. Since you have all hte engine sensors you could do this for $150 or so. see http://www.bgsoflex.com/megasquirt.html

From what i can gather, Ford does not use a seperate trans computer, so you may have to hunt up an aftermarket one. i know they make 'em for GM trannies so they must exist for ford. If you are using a maual trannie, no problem!

pretty much, things only plug in one way, wires are only so long, etc. Live nearby me? I'll stop over and help.