Thread: 91 Mustang Problem
03-06-2007 09:36 AM #1
91 Mustang Problem
I know this prolly isn't the right place to ask this but I really need help, I went to look at a 91 Mustang Gt, when I got there someone else had taken it out for a drive, they stopped at a gas station and got gas, got in the car to start it and when they turned the key over the car started pulling forward while it was being cranked, would make sense if it was a standard, but, it's an automatic tranny, they finally messed with the gearshift enough that they could crank the car without it rolling but it would not start, they think it may have somehow broke the timming chain as well, so my question is, What could cause this??????????????????????? Thanks alot if any one knows what happened because I've never seen this happen.
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03-06-2007 10:05 AM #2
Originally Posted by dcurtis
Check and see if the car has a neutral saftey switch.
03-06-2007 08:34 PM #3
Why do you think the chain broke? (chains don't break, it's usually the cam gear teeth).
To check chain for slack, remove the dist cap and turn the crank by hand, (Not by the key) when you see the rotor turn, stop, make a mark on the balancer with chalk and then turn the crank the opposite direction and stop! as soon as the rotor moves. check and see how far the crank moved. there will be some but not much.
If the chain slipped, it most likely at least needs some valves and or push rods.
I have a '87 5.0 Mustang GT convert. The drive trains and motors are the same in the Ranger, lincoln, T-bird, Astro van. (use the axles from the van or the ranger drivers side, they are the same, but 5 lug) The parts are every where.
03-07-2007 06:25 AM #4
Turns out the chain wasn't broke, we checked yesterday and the engine seems to be fine, we are going to get a tranny today and putting it back together, so I hope everything is ok, if not I will find out soon.
03-08-2007 10:56 AM #5
I bet trans failure. Been there on those vintage fords. One actually failed as yours did at the gas pump.
03-08-2007 09:28 PM #6
old AODs are very typical for failure when theres high mileage on them...just because your car is faster, doesn't mean i cant outdrive you... give me a curvy mountain road and i'll beat you any day
Many of the long tube cast headers I've run across had a relief ground on the back side for starter bolt clearance. I just trimmed the bolt on mine. On these new shorty's, they eliminated the...
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