Thread: v8 302 canadian prescription?
07-19-2007 05:55 AM #1
v8 302 canadian prescription?
friends, alguem would have a basica prescription of harness for an engine v8 302 Canadian, therefore I am mounting one
obs: this engine this original
thanks and forgives my English
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07-19-2007 06:07 AM #2
Originally Posted by paulo suica
We need more information to help you out
What car is it going into?
What year is it?
What modifications have been made to it, if any?Dave
07-19-2007 06:54 AM #3
ok I go to place in one talks back of pick-up ford 1940, that this with 307:1 differential maverick and exchange 3m ford I am wanting to improve the engine in relaçao to the performance and consumption of combustivel I wait that these informaçoes help thanks
07-19-2007 07:31 AM #4
Originally Posted by paulo suica
I'm having a bit of problem with your English (but since I can't speak Portuguesa....) so I'm going to try to understand what you are saying so please don't get upset with me and others if we ask the same question several times.
You are saying that you have a '40 Ford Pickup with a 302 Ford engine. You also have a Maverick 8" Ford differential with a 3.07 to 1 ratio and a 3 speed Ford transmission. You want to improve the performance - in horsepower and gasoline use (miles or kilometers} per gallon or litre.
First of all - a Maverick(in America) did not have a 3.07:1 differential ratio. It is probably a 2.75, 2.79 or 3.00 which are the most common though there are several other ratios?
Next, what kind of carburator or fuel injection and what type of distributor(points or electronic) is on the engine? What is the approximate year of the engine?
With that kind of information we can start to understand you question better.Dave
10-19-2007 10:18 AM #5
new guy needs help with 302?
I am new here. Live in Fergus, Ontario.
I am buying a 64/65 Falcon. The 64 has a 2 speed and 170 the 65 has a C4 and 200. I want to go 302 with carb.
I have access to a C4 from a 67 Mustang (if i buy the 64) and a 302 from an 86 Mustang (EFI but has a carb for it).
Will the 86-302 bolt to either of these C4's. Are both C4's 5 bolt? Is the 302 5 or 6 bolt.
I have not seen the 302 yet ( a guy local is selling it) and have not decided which car to buy. Both are nice but prefer 64 trim.
How the motor bolts in may help to decide 64 or 65 for me.
Thanks for any help. Doug
Necessity is the mother of invention! Nice work, as usual!
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